Sites publishing my posts without my permission

  • I need your help – two different sites have published several of my blog posts – everything, photos, text – with links back to my site, so they are not even trying to hide it. If I try to comment and demand some explanation, my comments don’t go through. Is there any proper way to deal with it? attached a screenshot of the ping back, because I am afraid that posting the full link to the post might lead to malware on whoever clicks and follows through

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • the other site doing the same is in this attachment

  • Hi there!

    It seems that neither of those sites exist anymore. It sounds, though, as if they were rather spammy.

    Other sites can link to your posts like this – these are links to your original post, not copy-pasted posts, without recognizing the author. Here you can read more about how it works:

    Enable or Disable Comments » Pingbacks
    2 min read
    Pingbacks let you know when another blog links to one of your posts. This guide will explain pingbacks and how to control pingbacks on your website. About Pingbacks A pingback is a special type of comment created when you link to another blog post as long as the other blog accepts pingbacks. Think of a pingback as an automated comment. Here is an example: Let’s say you write a post tit

    In your particular case, it seems that the sites were just looking for clicks, I’d honestly recommend to ignore it and keep those comments in Spam, as you’ve done.

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