site not working properly

  • I have multiple sites I have created for my classes each semester, and have had no problems at all. However, this semester, I am having difficulty with two of my three most recent sites where I am unable to see the menus I’ve created. One site does not even have the ‘menu’ option in the ‘Appearance’ and ‘Custimize’ links. Please help me with these two sites: ENGL1213SP23.TR11:00 and ENGL1213SP23.TR9:30. I need these working properly as soon as is possible. Thank you so much! Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there,

    One site does not even have the ‘menu’ option in the ‘Appearance’ and ‘Custimize’ links.

    Most newer themes use Site Editing to control the menu now. If you’re interested, here’s how to get started with that, and here’s some menu-specific information.

    Or if you want to go with the customize method, you can switch to one of these themes. I hope that helps, but if you have more questions, we’re here!

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