Sidekick: Several problems / bugs

  • Dear all,

    first of all: I love the overall theme!

    I encountered the following problems / bugs, maybe some are features and I just couldn’t figure out how to properly configure them ;)

    1. When opening + closing an image gallery on an earlier post, the scroll-position is reset to zero. That’s quite annoying since the user has to scroll down all the way back to the posting he wanted to view.

    2. Is there a way to switch from infinite scroll to pages of posting? When you switch of infinite scroll, a button with “more postings” appears, which has pretty much the same effect as infinite scroll. Pages of postings would be much more performance-friendly, when dealing with blogs featuring lots of fotos.

    3. In the “Settings >> Reading” section there is an option so that a preview of the posts are shown on the frontpage instead of full-text. The sidekick theme seems to just post everything as full-text, even though I have the “show summary” option activated.

    Thanks in advance!


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • 1. This isn’t standard behavior, and it can only fixed by WP.

    2. Only if you have the Custom Design upgrade.

    3. The summary option in Settings > Reading refers to your feed, not your actual blog front.
    To truncate regular posts on your blog, you can use the read-more tag:
    For gallery posts, you can select the gallery post format, so that the gallery won’t show on the blog front.

  • Hey – thanks for your answer!

    The turnication is very usefull, and more or less resolves the problems I had with 1. + 2. – since I will put the gallery inside the turnicated area. This improves the overall fronpage performance and makes infinite scroll useable again.


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