setting up hero images on the top slider – different images in top gallery

  • hi there, I would like to ask you few questions about editing top panel with different images ( like 4 images you can see on example template – eris). I’ve been trying to add more than one image however without success. Do I have to add more post in the portfolio category and change tags for them, or do I keep the same tag for all the posts?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,
    There is a good support forum dedicated to your theme which would be a great place to post your question:
    It’s here:

    Looking at the documentation for your theme I found this:
    `To set up the Featured Content slider for your front page:

    Create some posts with optional Featured Images, and give them all the same Tag, for example: featured.
    Go to Customize → Featured Content, and enter the tag you selected in the previous step. Click Save & Publish. The slider will automatically appear on the front page.

    It looks like you give them all the same tag and then specify in the slider settings which tag you want used for the content slider.

    I hope that gets you started.

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