Sequential Theme [Full-Width Page]

  • Hi,

    Currently using Plane Theme and wanting to switch to the Sequential Theme next year. Both support Full-Width Page feature within the templates section.

    But with some testing of some posts on the Sequential Theme the posts posted automatically with a “Blog” page for “Your Latest Posts” but the page is only using half width of the site would like to use the Full-Width Template for it.

    For Example:

    Plane Theme Post:
    Sequential Theme Post:

    I’m wanting the Sequential Theme Posts to be exactly like the Plane Theme Posts supporting the Full-Width Template.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    For the Sequential theme, the main column width is 700 except when using the Front Page Template, Grid Page Template, or Full-Width Page Template, where it’s 1086.
    On Plane, the main column width is 636, except on the full-width page, where it’s 994.

    To change those specs, you’d need some custom CSS code. That is available on plans Premium and above.
    If you’re not interested in upgrading right now, maybe you could try some other themes with a wider main column.

  • @joeparkinson,

    To add to what @staff-mckluskey has said above,

    On the Plane theme, if there are no widgets displayed in the sidebar widget area (it’s empty or they are hidden), on both the default or assigned posts page and the individual posts, posts are expanded to fill the empty widget area. The margin on either side depends upon the screen size.

    On the Sequential theme, if there are no widgets displayed in the sidebar widget area, then it is left open, on both the default or assigned posts page and the individual posts, posts display aligned to the left, just as they are if widgets are displayed in the sidebar widget area.

    In neither case is the Full-Width page template a factor. This setting only affects static pages.


    A side issue I detected while testing:
    I find that the author is not displayed on either the blog page or individual posts on Sequential, despite having author checked at Customize >Content Options > Post Details. Could be a bug. The other metadata (date, categories, and tags) are displaying as expected.

  • Thanks @musicdoc1 I’ve let our devs know about the issue and can confirm that I see that it is missing. Or I don’t see, since it’s missing and there is nothing to see. 0_o*

    Happy Holidays!

  • Hey all, I’m having a thought from the distant past that Sequential might be one of the earlier themes that displays the author name on the post only if there is more than one published author.

  • Thanks @justjennifer — I think you’re right.

    I can confirm the author shows up on an individual post page when there is more than one author on the site.

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