SEO Tab on jetpack panel disappeared

  • Hi, I was writing a new post, and then I noticed that the SEO tab was gone on the jetpack panel. I currently have a premium plan on me. I do write for another blog that belongs to someone else. I use the same personal email for both my own website and the writer account that I use for writing on the other blog. But, that shouldn’t be interfering, maybe? I checked that the jetpack WP security, backup, speed, & growth and the jetpack vaultpress are active and installed. I feel like I’m missing something, but I don’t know what.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there, could you confirm what site you’re working with?

    I checked that the jetpack WP security, backup, speed, & growth and the jetpack vaultpress are active and installed. 

    It sounds like you’ve been using a Business or Commerce plan, but I don’t see that on this account.

  • my site is and it’s the only site that I have. I’m on the premium plan. The SEO tab that I meant is the “SEO Title” and “SEO description”. The ones that would change how our post’s title and description would appear on google search results. I think both comes standard with the jetpack plugins in the premium plan. I’m sorry if I’m not so clear, I’m still very new to WordPress.

  • Hi @seinenrider Yes, it looks like the SEO module recently disappeared from the Jetpack sidebar. I’m also on the Premium plan and infrequently used it. (temporary screenshot)

    Perhaps your experience was different, but TBH, I never saw that search engines picked up that information rather than the standard post title and the beginning of my post.

    Although this would only affect the post or page description, if your theme supports them, have you thought about using Excerpts instead?

  • From what I know, the SEO description is supposed to be the meta description of our post. Correct me if I’m wrong, though. I use excerpts too, but I always thought they’re just a summary or a hook for our blog posts. If you’re seeing the SEO module gone too, then I guess it’s just something that jetpack changed. I thought might’ve made a change without realizing.

  • Same here. Jetpack SEO module is gone. (And so is Miss Supernovia Staff) I bet we’ll soon receive a marketing email about a *new paying option… 🙄

  • I was really getting use to this feature. Built my GPT to handle the fields flawlessly . Oh well. Maybe its not as vital as i think it is.

  • Hi folks, the SEO section is no longer available on the Free, Personal, and Premium plans, since the information folks added there was never being displayed or output to the site at all – it’s a feature only available on the Business plan.

    You may refer to this GitHub ticket for more details:

  • Hey @kathrynwp thanks for letting us know that the information in the now-defunct SEO module was not functional on anything other than the Business/eCommerce plans.

    Excerpts might still be a viable alternative for Descriptions. I’ve used them successfully with Pages, but haven’t used them routinely on Posts thus far.

  • Now that the SEO section is gone, when I try to schedule a post I get the following error message: “Scheduling failed. Could not update the meta value of jetpack_seo_noindex in database.” Not sure how I can fix that when I don’t have access to the SEO dropdown anymore?

  • @allisonsilknetter, I successfully accessed your account and tested scheduling a post, encountering no errors in the process.

    You can find the test post in your scheduled tab at:

    Feel free to delete it at your convenience. I set the schedule for 2099, ensuring it won’t be published anytime soon.

    Could you please attempt the process again and let us know if you encounter the same error? If so, provide details on your operating system, browser (including versions), and the title of your post draft. With this information, we can investigate the issue further for you. Thank you!

  • @allisonsilknetter I am having the same issue. I used Jetpack to simply post to my Facebook and LinkedIn accounts a while back. When the SEO button was removed my posts would work but the featured image was not included. I would like to get this automated again but per this thread, I am not sure I can. I have purchased an account on but it is basic not business. any information would be very helpful. @staff-heroponriki

  • Hi – I wanted to move some previously published posts from subscribers only to everyone and it doesn’t allow it. Get ‘Updating failed. Could not update the meta value of jetpack_seo_noindex in database.’
    Never used the SEO features.
    Any suggestions? Thanks

  • Thank you for reporting these issues. We’ve passed this on to our developers so they can investigate and look for a fix.

  • Hi there

    I am experiencing the same issue as everyone else. I am new to wordpress and not familiar with the technical features. The only difference with the post I am trying to schedule now is that I am using footnotes. Any help gratefully received. Thank you.

  • Me, too. I’m trying to update a post and getting this: “Updating failed. Could not update the meta value of jetpack_seo_noindex in database.”

  • @thevampirologist I want to acknowledge that the issue you reported is still persisting, and I genuinely appreciate your ongoing patience.

    For those who come across this thread, please be aware that we’ve received sufficient reports and our development team is actively investigating. Identifying the specific cause of this error, given its intermittent nature and selective impact, is taking some time. We understand the frustration, and we truly value your understanding and patience in this matter. If there are any updates or further information, we’ll make sure to keep you posted.

  • Has there been any progress made on this issue? I just got the same error while trying to save a draft and publish a post. It mostly saved, but something weird happened to my footnotes.

  • Yes! There does seem to be a particular issue when using footnotes. Which I do. A lot.

    That said, it also appears to be a very recent problem as I was having no issue with them before.

  • @thevampirologist have you found a workaround for problems with footnotes? I tried to create a post with several footnotes, but only the first one posted after getting that seo error above. It was very weird. I tried recreating them from scratch but it happened again.

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