Selling Products on the Free Plan

  • Hi. I read the support document about selling products. It states that all plans can sell handmade goods and you can use Paypal. However, the Paypal instructions state that you need a Premium or Business account in order to set up Paypal, and those are paid plans. This is confusing. Is there a free way to sell goods on your blog when you are just starting out? If not, can I add a link to an Etsy site?

    ‘With all sites you can sell your handmade products, art, books, or digital products such as ebooks or courses on your site using your PayPal account. You can also solicit donations or tips from your readers using the PayPal button or link. For more information on setting up a PayPal button or link in your content, please refer to our step by step guide.’

    ‘There is now a much simpler way to add payment buttons on your site — Simple Payments. The feature is available for Premium and Business plans on and on Jetpack sites running version 5.2 or higher.’

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • With this link ignore the first paragraph in italics directing you to set up “Simple payments”. The rest of the document tells you how to create a PayPal button that will work on free sites.

  • Thank you so much!!!
    Have a fantastic day!!!😁

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