Self-hosted site: Want to use Vaultpress and Videopress

  • Hello. I would like to use Vaultpress and Videopress on my self-hosted site. I’m a little confused on what plan I need to do this. The Premium WordPress plan includes both for either $25 or $29 a month, depending on the page, but I’m unsure what exactly I need to do, being self-hosted. It seems to assume that the full site will be hosted on the servers. I’m only interested in the backup and video hosting, though.

    Second question: Does Vaultpress only backup the wp-uploads folder, when using Vaultpress? I have a significant amount of custom code, much of which is integrated into WordPress, but the media resides outside of the wp-content folder.

    Thank you, in advance.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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  • A little more elaboration, for when the Moderator/Staff gets here.

    I guess I’m more confused by the difference between Professional and Business.

    Professional is $29/m or $299/y. This lists backup, polling, security, etc, but no mention of Videopress.

    When I click on Videopress, through my Jetpack plugin, it takes me to a different page, with “Business” plan. This has all of the features I want for $24.92/m, but appears to be only hosted.

    Which of these would I use to be self-hosted, have Vaultpress backup service, and unlimited Videopress?

    Thanks, once more.

  • Please see my reply on your other thread. Closing this as a duplicate.

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