RSS Feeds, Posts to a Specific Page

  • WordPress needs the ability to post articles and RSS Feeds to a specific page in the blog, so that different articles can appear in relevant sections within a site, and not all on the front page. Can this be integrated into WordPress in an upcoming version?

  • has specifically ruled that out.

  • Is there a plugin to do that, or some way to do that?

  • Plugins are not allowed at

  • Seeing the number of posts in the forums regarding this issue, working with WordPress for the past several months, I am concluding that WordPress is a very weak Blogging Platform. It is cute for teenagers who want a one column blog to splatter nonsense, but it doesn’t scale to multi-pages, multi-posts, and is not ready for prime time enterprise scale blogging. Having said that, I wish the developers of WordPress good luck. I am moving all of my blogs to a different platform that is more robust and can handle multiple blog posts, and posting to pages, which is what blogging is all about to begin with. Regards.

  • Good luck finding such a comparable blog platform for the price. Frankly, there’s no one out there.

    I don’t know if you’re hosted at or have your own hosting, but there is a big difference between what you get here (hosted solution) versus what you can achieve by self-hosting your blog.

    If you find a better comparable solution (for free hosted blogs) then do let us know, I’d be interested in trying out (if I haven’t already).

  • Gotta love it when somebody who has been here four months makes such sweeping comments as

    It is cute for teenagers who want a one column blog to splatter nonsense, but it doesn’t scale to multi-pages, multi-posts, and is not ready for prime time enterprise scale blogging.

    Hm I guess that’s why Time blogs here, and Fox News, and CNN and any number of bigwigs.

  • Vivian, can you post the URLs to those sites?

  • Look in your dashboard. They are always at the top of the Top blogs today.

  • for example only has one page for its blog, politicalticker. If you click on the other tabs/pages they are links to other websites. Even CNN has had to obfuscate their Blog in order to hide the weakness of WordPress. I rest my case.

  • What case? That you don’t like it here? Fine. No one is making you blog here. There’s a reason they make vanilla AND chocolate ice cream. If you don’t like one, you can chose another. Obviously, you know more than the folks at Time, and CNN and Fox.

  • Even CNN has had to obfuscate their Blog in order to hide the weakness of WordPress.

    um, i think the point was that if was that lousy, organisations such as cnn and others mentioned above would not</em. be using you’re entitled to your opinion, of course; there are, however, good things about which may not relate to your blogging needs.

  • darn i didn’t close italics tag properly! sorry. :D

  • Ok ok ok. Perhaps WordPress should change their software to be more competitive and more robust.

  • Turns out there is a Plugin that does something for this. Postlists. I am sure there are other plugins that do something similar.

  • If you’re emotionally committed to externally-hosted sites, perhaps it would be a more productive use of your time to spend it in their forums instead of ours.

    Anderson Cooper’s blog is here. Gretawire is here. ICanHasCheezburger is here. Each of them get several million hits per day, plus innumerable comments. Cheezburger ended up here because they couldn’t find an external host that could handle their traffic.

    And I teach blogging for a living. I once taught a man who ran an institute that had been repeatedly blogged about by the United Nations (drupal platform, for the nerds). Within 45 minutes of setting up his blog, it was #1 on Google searches for the name of the institute.

    Beat that on Blogspot. Try.

  • still pissed off about the elections I see.

  • That is cool. Now if you could show me how you did that, I would be grateful. :-)

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