Right sidebar in Oulipo

  • I know there was a post regarding how to delete the text in the right sidebar on individual post pages, but I’m wondering how I can keep the right sidebar information in the Widgets that appear on my home page. That is, how can I make the right sidebar the same throughout my blog – whether on homepage or individual blog?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Each theme is coded differently and we cannot edit themes or the templates underlying them here at wordpress.com. This is a mulktiuser blogging platform. All blogs wearing the same theme are using the same template and we cannot access and edit those files. Only Staff can bevcause every edit made affects all blogs wearing the same theme.

    If you wish to have a sidebar displaying on each and every single page and single post in your blog then you must choose a theme that is coded to do that. Please see here for a list of themes with this feature: Widgets on static pages or single posts http://wpbtips.wordpress.com/2009/11/12/widgets-on-pages-or-single-posts/

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