Rich text editor not working for second blog

  • Hi, I’ve just created a second blog under one login, and have two fairly major problems:

    1) When I’m browsing Blog 2 and my admin bar appears at the top, when I click “New Post” it takes me to the new post page for Blog 1. Surely it should take me to the new post page for Blog 2, is this a known bug?

    2) If I go via the dashboard and create a new post for Blog 2, I don’t get the rich text editor. But it’s there for Blog 1. I’ve tried unticking and re-ticking the “Use the visual rich editor when writing” option in the Users screen, but it’s still not fixed it. Heeeelp!

  • #2 seems to have fixed itself now. Maybe it was a browser caching issue or something.

    #1 is still an issue, both the New Post and Add To Blogroll links will always action for your default (first) blog. I think, they should probably have dropdowns, like the “My Dashboards” link. But this is low priority, #2 was the biggest problem and it’s fixed itself!

  • 1 – Nope. It’s supposed to go to Blog 1. Bugs me too as I agree it should go to the blog you’re looking at if it’s one of yours. :)

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