Request for content recovery

  • Hi, I’’m one of the editors of the following site:
    And the site got deleted without my knowledge, so I failed to export the contents, which all mean a lot to me. Could you please help me with this issue? Thanks. Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Deleted sites can only be restored within 30 days after deletion. You’ll have to wait untill a Staff member is available. Also note only the owner of that site can request to undelete a site.

  • Alas, @apollowhat, it looks like the site owner deleted the site, and as @staartmees mentioned, we can only restore it at the site owner’s request. Can you contact them and ask them to have us restore it? They can post right to this thread. We could even help them transfer ownership to you if they’d like.

    It was just deleted today, so if you can work with them, we do have just under 30 days to restore it for you. Otherwise, if they aren’t willing to work with you, you may check to see what you can find there. I hope this helps!

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