Remove sidebar from website

  • Hi all!

    I am currently re-doing a website for a group of friends. Not, but a The website is

    It uses the Shoreditch theme and I’m super happy about how it looks, except for one thing: any post on the website only uses about 2/3rd of the page width (as you can see here for example) because there is a widget-sidebar function in the theme. I have no use for this particular sidebar, so preferably I would remove it entirely. Is that at all possible?

    I can’t seem to find an option to change the post template or anything like that, so ‘m either overlooking something obvious or it will take me a little more effort.

    Looking forward to your input!

  • Hi,

    The easiest way might be to use the Full-Width Page template on pages. A page with that template assigned will be 900 pixels wide, compared to 580 for the Default template (see Quick Specs near the bottom of the Shoreditch theme Overview). With Shoreditch activated, the sidebar widget area will be hidden on pages using either the full-width page template or the panel page template.

    How to set the page template for a specific page, on a theme with optional page templates, is described and illustrated in the Templates section near the top of the Templates support page.

    I have no use for this particular sidebar, so preferably I would remove it entirely. Is that at all possible?

    I think that would, if possible, require CSS customization. Please add a “modlook” tag to the sidebar at right here to call for staff attention if you’d like feedback from staff on that potential customization.

  • Hey, thanks for the input!

    I have found the full-width page option for pages, but not for posts, hence my question. There doesn’t seem to be an option to select the full width template on a post, so I’m still stuck :(

  • Hey there!

    Sorry, I’d missed that you specified “any post” in the OP, and that your example was a post.

    So I think it will require CSS code to remove the space occupied by the vacant sidebar widget area on single posts. If the site has the Premium, Business, or eCommerce plan, then you’ll have access to CSS customization. Here are links to some relevant support pages:

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