remove featured image

  • I am using the Hever theme on a site. It does not matter if the “Check to display a featured image at the top of your pages when they have one” in Customize Appearance–> Content Options is checked or not I am still seeing the featured image in the pages.

    Does anyone know how to remove the featured image from a blog post with this theme or suggest a similar theme that does not show a featured image?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, that option is for pages in Hever, and I want to say it’s different for posts. I can note your request, though!

    And if you’d like, you’d be welcome to check out these other themes that may work well for you. I’m using a filter that has blog excerpts, because those often have options for images on individual posts, too:

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