remove as user

  • Is it possible to remove myself as author of a blog? Someone added me to their blog and I really have no clue who they are and they have not answered my email after some time. He has added me not just to his blog but as admin, which, by all appearances would give me the ability to block him out of his own blog. Is this right? Not that I would do that…

    I would not have emailed him but after adding me, he would be able to see my email address anyway. Really seems like a sneaky way to get someone’s email address… ??

  • Really seems like a sneaky way to get someone’s email address… ??

    Actually, considering he gave you admin priviledges, it just seems you’e dealing with a clueless dummy.

    I’m not telling you what to do, but…

    If it were me and as concerned about the email addy as you (in addition to no email response) I would add a post to that blog detailing just how inconsiderate he/she is and pointedly ask to be removed as an admin on his/her blog.

    But that’s just me.

  • Thanks, I’ll have to think about that one. ;-)

  • indeed, unless one’s used an absolutely disposal e-mail address to register on the wpcom it’s a huge privacy and security flaw which can be used by malicious people/software to compromise user account or user’s mailbox may become an “enlargement” letters waste-basket.

    [not speaking that users may receive spoofed e-mails from ‘administration’ to gain a password etc]

  • Actually, considering he gave you admin priviledges, it just seems you’e dealing with a clueless dummy.

    I have to second that. :)

    I’m sending in a pointer to this thread as well. I’m concerned over the issue as Options is.

    A good idea would be to invoke a confirmation of some sort like one uses to add your email address to a mailing list. Have it include a conformation link that you click on.

  • I’d agree with the confirmation option you suggest drmike – everything else is confirmed, it makes sense for that bit to be.

    What does it say if you try and remove yourself, or is it simply not possible?

    Most systems allow you to remove yourself as long as you’re not the *only* admin left on a system (i.e. there must also be one). Is this the way WP works?

  • It doesn’t say anything because when I view the users menu in the blog it shows him then me, and by his name is a checkbox so I could change his level to subscriber or remove him or whatever, but by mine the checkbox is disabled, so you just can’t even try to remove yourself.

    Five days ago I commented on his entry saying that my email has been ignored, please remove me.

    Of course, when I originally posted this message I said something about it being a sneaky way to get someone’s email address. But looking at it now, where it says to add someone else, you have to enter an email address and select a user role. Has it always been this way? For some reason I thought you only had to enter in their username before…?

    Well, either way – it would most certainly be nice if I could remove myself from a blog I was added to. Confirmation would also be a good idea.

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