Relocate Pages

  • How do I relocate the pages from the header of my Main Page to links under different categories?
    Blog url:

  • Hi,

    There isn’t a way to “move” a page under a category since categories are linked to posts.

    Here are a couple of suggestions that might interest you:

    1. Create a custom menu with a static top level tab, and add the respective pages under that level tab.

    2. View each page, go to the Edit Page screen from the blog menu, switch to HTML editor, select all the text, copy it to your clipboard, then paste it into a new post.

    I hope this helps. Let us know if you have any other questions. :)

  • Bryan,

    Thank you for your prompt reply. I followed your steps up to the “copy it to your clipboard.” Sorry, I don’t know what a clipboard is or where it can be found on my wordpress, unless it is a plug-in that I need to download from some where. I googled it, so I will review those options for the next few minutes. I basically want to remove the tabs that are laid out across the template picture on my home page. How do I get that clipboard? Thanks.


  • Assuming you mean you want those tabs in the sidebar instead of the header, go to Appearance > Menus, drag a Custom Menu widget to Sidebar, select the menu you have created, save. Then go to Appearance > Menus, add a new menu, don’t add anything to it, save menu, select that menu from the Theme Locations pulldown, save.
    For more on menus see here:

    Custom menus

  • Yes, I want to move those tabs into the sidebar. I went to Widgets under Appearance and moved the Custom Menu Widget into the Sidebar, and it looks as though those tabs are in the Sidebar now. Could you confirm that for me? So thank you for that direction. Now, how do I remove the tabs from my header? Thank you for your help.


  • Could you confirm that for me?

    Awesome, those pages are in a custom menu in your sidebar.

    how do I remove the tabs from my header?

    By default, all published pages will appear in the navigation menu—for most themes—in alphabetical order.

    To remove the pages from appearing in your main navigation menu, you’ll need to create another custom menu, choose the page(s) or link(s) you want to appear, then activate that newly-created custom menu as the primary navigation menu.

  • Thanks, Bryan, for confirming that for me. Greatly appreciated. To “activate that newly-created custom menu as the primary navigation menu,” I clicked “Save” under the sub-heading of “Theme Location” but that did not remove the tabs from the header.

    You said that I need to create another custom menu, which I thought I did by putting a # sign in the URL window. Then I deliberately left the each of the “Pages” unchecked because I don’t want them appearing on my header. When you say to “choose the pages or links you want to appear,” I am trying to get the tabs that currently appear on the header to NOT appear there. Thanks.


  • Hi Mike,

    Since you’ve activated the custom menu that you’re already using in Appearance -> Widgets, it’ll display the same menu in your primary navigation menu.

    Can you try creating a new custom menu by clicking the plus (+) tab in Appearance -> Menus, enter a different name, then activate it under Theme Locations?

  • Bryan,

    Some of the tabs were removed, about half of them. I found the (+) tab in Appearance -> Menus. I entered a different name “Cornucopia” and followed the given instructions:

    To create a custom menu, give it a name above and click Create Menu. Then choose items like pages, categories or custom links from the left column to add to this menu.

    After you have added your items, drag and drop to put them in the order you want. You can also click each item to reveal additional configuration options.

    When you have finished building your custom menu, make sure you click the Save Menu button.

    I did all of this before I went back to the “Theme Locations” to Save or activate the new menu. I don’t know why only half of the tabs on the header were removed and don’t know where the other half that were removed went to. I don’t see my new menu “Cornucopia’ anywhere in the sidebar.

    What next?


  • You’re quite confused. Try studying this please:

    Custom menus

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