Refund my Money Please !!

  • I cannot us CSS on my Blog at all.. I don’t know how to change menu name which is ‘new entires’ ‘old entires’ I’d like to change these name ! I already paid the money $14 for using CSS but i cannot use it at all right now.

    So Please refund the money back to me!! or let me know how to change those name to whatever i want!!!!!!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there,
    This is a peer support forum and we volunteers cannot help you with that issue. Please contact Staff directly

  • I’m posting the following notation from the support documentation so when other member’s pull this thread out of the searchbox they will be fully informed:

    I purchased the CSS upgrade and changed my mind. Can I get a refund?
    We generally do not provide refunds. Please use the Preview function to try your custom CSS before purchasing the upgrade.

  • If you want a refund the support section is not the best place for that, support is for technical questions. If you want some help you may receive help from volunteers if you are polite (none of us work for WP), if you still want a refund you should contact WP directly. If you contact WP directly you can be as assertive as you want because the customer is always right, but you need to know if you want to seek help in the volunteer support section you need to be calm and collected, we just want to help you, but since we do not work for WP we have done nothing wrong.

  • If you buy a car, is it up to the seller to make sure you know how to drive?

    You have two options: contact staff directly and ask OR learn CSS. It’s not that difficult, but it does take some learning. There are references and tools listed in the CSS forum.

  • Also, CSS is for styling a theme, not for changing functionality or labels for different things. The labels for previous and next are defined in the underlying theme PHP script files, not in the CSS, so you will not be able to change those with the CSS upgrade. We do not have access to the underlying theme files.

  • From the Upgrades page:

    Just in case you’re not happy with your upgrade we offer a limited refund on newly purchased upgrades.

    1. New domain registrations will be refunded if requested within 2 days.
    2. Domain renewals are non-refundable.
    3. Most other upgrades can be fully refunded within 30 days of purchase.

    Any support doc will be updated.

    But all someone needs to do is ask.

  • The topic ‘Refund my Money Please !!’ is closed to new replies.