Recovering lost articles

  • Hello,

    I have a long-time issue that I hope to finally resolve. I posted about this before, but the thread has been closed, so I’m going to repost the original messages from that thread to give you some more background information.

    So first I posted this question:

    I have migrated my site to another host, and have tried to import all of my past posts automatically. Unfortunately it seems all of my posts were not imported — there were thousands of posts on my WordPress site that I was trying to migrate, and some were missed in the process.

    I’ve noticed that since I canceled my paid WordPress site, it only shows 61 posts on my site. I’m assuming that’s because a free account only offers so much space. Are those articles lost forever though, or is there some way to access them? I’d like to gather the posts that were missed when I last tried to migrate them to the new host.

    If I reinstated my paid WordPress account, would those old articles reappear?

    Thanks for your help! Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is:


    After posting that message, I got the following reply (from staff_totoro):

    “Hi there,

    From what I can see you had the Business Plan on your site for some time, but it was not renewed in April and was removed from your account as a result.

    When the business plan is removed that cuts access to the site you had on our business hosting, so you may only see content from prior to your initial upgrade. If you upgrade again that will allow you to restore your site using the previous backups you had under your account, so you can access any content that was lost when the plan was removed.

    We no longer offer the Business plan, but you can upgrade to the Pro Plan listed here, which will allow you to access your backups, as well as provide livechat support with our business hosting team, to assist you in that access:

    So long as you complete your export in the time we show here, you would qualify for a full refund:

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.”


    At this moment:

    I have just signed up for a month of the business plan, I see my payment has been processed, and I can log in to my wordpress dashboard — however I am still just seeing the same 61 articles, and still can’t access the old articles that need to be migrated. Can you please assist me in accessing those articles so I can take care of this issue asap?

    Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi again,

    however I am still just seeing the same 61 articles, and still can’t access the old articles that need to be migrated. Can you please assist me in accessing those articles so I can take care of this issue asap?

    We do not usually handle backups here in our public forums since free sites do not have user-accessible backups; this feature is unique to our Business and eCommerce plans. However, you should be able to activate backups on your site here, and that will allow you to access your previous backups for this site:

    If you have issues seeing your backups, please contact the priority support option provided in your plan here:

    This will put you in touch with our Business-level support, who will be better much more familiar with how to access your backups, and in the best position to help.

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