Recent Mozilla upgrade vs recent WordPress upgrade?

  • It’s all software–it’s quirky. I knew about the tracking & how to tick it on & off and I believe there are other options as well. I found out about the ‘badge’ yesterday when I was going back through all the options & extensions. I knew Adblock has WP whitelisted, it had to be something eles.

    I also knew, depending on the web page, you can enable or disable certain functions like Java & Flash. And sure enough the badge was showing on the left of the address bar, and yet at that time WP was whitelisted.

    I remember checking because I read that Firefox uses the Disconnect (although you don’t see it as an extension, anymore) to block tracking. I used to have the extension, and one called Lightbeam. I remember having to whitelist WP/My blog because something wasn’t showing properly, in the end, I disabled it.

    After I refreshed the page a couple of times, ‘tracking” came up in the warning tab and I knew exactly where to look, and sure enough the badge had a strike through it. I clicked on it, and this time, there was an option to whitelist the page, which wasn’t there before.

    Do you use Firefox?

    I was doing some more research this morning and found out about this “Firefox Quantum Developer Edition.” Watched a couple of videos, but it was never clear as to whether or not it was an entirely different Mozilla browser or if it overwrote the existing one.

    I downloaded the executive file, then came the decision–should I install it or not? Knowing that maybe, I would be back to square one with WP. Then I decided I can always uninstall it, we know the fix, or at least we think we do, and so I let it rip.

    It’s an entirely different browser. It has a blue icon, but the developer tools, like I really need to be messing with them, are more, well–developed.

    I’m going to keep it, play with it, maybe I’ll learn something.

    Oh, and WP shows up fine in it. : ) Hey, thank you for the heads up about my previous threads.

  • I use Firefox, yes, but the regular release version. The developer version is specifically designed for people who develop websites and web-based apps, and not primarily intended for regular browsing. But if it works for you, no reason you can’t use it :)

  • I only found it looking for ways to tweak the regular version; it was suggested on another forum, so I investigated it.

    I don’t think like change too much, or too much change. We grow accustom to certain settings & layouts and certainly when a major upgrade like this takes place, it’s like the entire web is looking for ways to revert somethings back.

    I have already created a Chrome folder for css that has put the tabs back on the bottom (though frankly I don’t remember where they were just before the update) however, having done this, I don’t have the urge to want to round over the edges of the tabs. It actually looks pretty sleek now. I only wish I could get the old drop-down search menu with text back. I do not like the icons. Looks a bit like a cluster-fuck to me.

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