"Ratings Setup", please help!

  • Well, the problem is:

    I blog in Arabic, and I have decided to use “Ratings” for comments and posts, so I went to:
    Ratings -> Comments -> Advanced Settings -> Customize Labels

    You know, I need to change the Labels from English to Arabic, let’s take this for example:
    English: “Rate this”, Arabic: “تقييمك؟”.

    In the “Preview” section, it shows me the Arabic text in the correct form, but after saving it, it will be changed to: “u062au0642u064au064au0645u0643u061f”!
    The same story happens whenever I try to change any English text, it seems like it accepts only the Latin characters.

    You can check an example of it in this post: http://wp.me/p1uATf-6r ,go to the comments section and you will see..

    Please guys, if anyone knows how to fix this bug or how can I can contact WP team to solve it.

    Thank you ^_^

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Howdy, I’m passing word of this on to our translations team so that they can take a look at it and see where the issue is coming from. Thanks!

  • Thanks ^_^
    I hope you can fix it soon because I “really” need it ^_^

  • I have added a fix for this, please let me know if you are still seeing a problem here.

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