Quoting multiple paragraphs

  • First of all, whoever designed Gutenberg has no idea that many WordPress.com users are writing scholarly articles. It is miserable at handling quotes. I have given up trying to use an author’s quotation who has a quote from another article. Under classic, I’d just indent the whole quote and then indent the quoted quote.

    But what really galls me is not being able to quote multiple paragraphs. If I am quoting an author’s 3 paragraphs, how can I manage that when the quote function is geared to a single paragraph?

    Very frustrating.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    If you paste multiple paragraphs into a quote block, the quote block will only be applied to the first paragraph, yes. This is a known issue, and the folks who make the block editor over on WordPress.org are aware of it. But there is a workaround in the meantime:

    After pasting, position your cursor at the beginning of the next paragraph after the first one in the blockquote block, and press backspace. That should pull that paragraph into the preceding blockquote block. Repeat with all the paragraphs that form part of the quote.

    I have given up trying to use an author’s quotation who has a quote from another article.

    Do you mean a quote inside a quote?

    At the moment it’s not possible to nest other blocks inside a blockquote block, but that is also being worked on on WordPress.org. I’ve added a note to that issue for your use case of quoting text that itself contains a quote.

  • Thanks for the feedback. My solution is to use Dreamweaver for editing and then copy and paste into WP. What a commentary on the people who run WP.

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