Purchased Guided Transfer, Haven't heard from Happiness Engineer

  • Hi,

    I purchased the Guided Transfer upgrade on Friday, 4/22 at 10:01am PST. My happiness engineer (Paolo) contacted me on Friday, 4/22 at 10:17am PST asking for additional information to transfer my blog. I sent him all the information he needed on Friday, 4/22 at 3:23pm PST. Paolo didn’t get back to me on Friday.

    I re-sent the information again on Monday 4/25 at 7:54am PST, with a request to transfer my blog on Tuesday or Wednesday this week. I still haven’t heard back from Paolo – even after re-sending the information today, Tuesday 4/26 around 8am PST.

    I would like to get my blog transferred asap – ideally today or tomorrow – but I haven’t heard back from my happiness engineer since my original purchase of the Guided Transfer upgrade. Can you have someone contact me asap? I’d like to get the process started by tomorrow if possible.

    Thank you!
    Anjali Shah

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I’m sorry but we Volunteers cannot help you with this at all. You will have to check your spam filter in case you received an email from Staff you haven’t located. If you don’t locate one then you will have to be patient while waiting. Also note that Staff only monitor these threads so posting these threads is not an effective way of gaining Staff attention.

  • Thanks! I will submit a comment to the WP team directly via the contact form (there are no emails in my spam filter so I’m pretty sure I just haven’t been contacted yet).

  • You’re welcome and best wishes. :)

  • I’m curious if you’ve heard from your Happiness Engineer yet? I’ve been trying to get in touch with them for a few days regarding a transfer and am wondering if it’s worth it or if they’re just going to take my money and run!

  • I’ve tagged this thread for staff attention and perhaps that little “poke” will get their attention.

    Also, make sure and check the spam filter at your ISP to make sure that their return email to you did not get caught by your ISP’s spam filter. Sometimes wordpress emails will.

  • Thank you! I check my spam filters daily and have not had any from WordPress–which is also on my ‘not spam’ list.

    I’m excited about being able to brag about the great service from WP, but they need to do their part first!

    [Note: In the past I’ve always had excellent, quick responses. Maybe that’s what’s getting me down this time!]

  • When Staff take a longer time to answer than usual I assume it’s because they are busy with higher priority issues. For example I know that every day they have to cope with hackers making DDoS (denial of service) attacks on the domain. I also know that wordpress.com is on continuous roll-out so they are continually making changes to upgrade the versions of worpress that’s running. In cases like this when I encounter a delay in Staff getting back to me on a support issue I choose to be patient because I know they are aimed at making blogging a happy experience for all of us.

  • @francesv3, I’m truly sorry. It’s indeed not like us. Your tickets were adrift in our support system and we unfortunately did not catch the problem until this thread popped up.

    The OP is the proud owner of this shiny new self-hosted site:

    (Food…my favorite subject!)

    EDIT: TSP, thanks for the heads up.

  • @francesv3 – yes Hew is correct – he contacted me shortly after I posted this in the forum, and my guided transfer went seamlessly. Thanks Hew for the help thus far!

  • Thank you, everyone! I have been in contact with Hew who was very kind and immediate with my follow-up questions.

    I have just purchased the transfer package and hope to be up-and-running by the end of the week. Yay!

    (Of course, I will still also use WordPress.com for a couple of other blogs because they are a GREAT service!)

  • @hewsut and @francesv3,, you are welcome.

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