
  • I have two blogs on wordpress and I have noticed the same thing with both of them. I have them both connected to my google plus account but when it post it shows shared privately. How can I change this? is this on wordpress or google plus I can not figure out what I did wrong when I set it all up? Any help would be great.

    Thank You,

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Post manually. Then you have control over it.

  • Post manually in what? I am talking about when I share a post from wordpress to my blog via publicize as I am making the post.

  • raincoaster is saying don’t autopost using Publicize. Instead post manually to Google plus.

  • Sorry. I was wrong when I mentioned Publicize.

    raincoaster is saying if you want control there’s one way to get it. Log in to Google Plus and post manually so you can control this.

  • Please allow me to say more. Auto-posting across social networks is NOT an effective social media strategy. Creating unique snippets to accompany your links and tailoring each one to each social network is much more effective.

    You will have some of the same followers on more than one social network and after a while they will start ignoring what you autopost, because they are getting the same snippet and link on more than one social networks and that feels like being spammed. So they start ignoring your autoposts, rather than sharing them and may unfollow you.

  • P.S. I know what raincoaster and I say will confuse you because you are in the zero to hero challenge, which is sponsored by and run by Staff. It’s natural for Staff to point you to every feature has to offer like using Publicize for convenience sake. But we Volunteers aren’t on the payroll and we are free to speak from our own experience.

  • It really is better to post manually. Then you can add a few remarks to “market” the link to your readers. It works MUCH better.

  • I think what your saying is make my regular post on the blog and then copy/paste it to google plus itself but do not share it? So why is it coming up private is that google plus or wordpress?

  • Probably at some point in the past your blog was set to Private and Google has not yet changed their view of the blog. It takes some time to get the attention of search engines once you turn it to public, and until then the previews will always give that warning. If you share it manually, then you have a chance to explain to your readers that they should ignore that and click through to the article.

    In time, Google will update its opinion of your blog and recognize it’s not private.

  • Is there anything I can double check to make sure its not set that way? I know when I have used it to post on facbeook it works fine.

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