Problems with Akismet?

  • Thank you for posting those links to the various threads in which this topic has been discussed.

    I actually saw the comment that you quoted from Keymaster Barry a couple of days ago, but the reason that I wrote to Support wasn’t just to re-emphasize the severity of the problem, but also to propose what would seem to be a very reasonable workaround to the problem until WordPress is able to permanently resolve it. I can’t see how the solution that I offered could possibly hurt or inconvenience anyone since its implementation would be optional, and I can’t see how any rational argument could be made that maintaining the status quo is any better.

    In any case, thank you again, timethief, for all of your efforts.

  • just wander if Akismet is just as insatiable with comments sent through the Contact Forms < >?

    [I must confess: for almost two years on .com I still hasn’t managed to force myself take just a single attentive look at the ‘Akismet Spam’ page — this super-long sheet of the unfolded comments is simply unbearable. I can’t really understand how people make it to the bottom of this page without severe damages to their wrist/finger or mouse scroll-wheel.]

    that’s why I think I need to setup a special ‘Comments’ page similar to proposed by golddiggers one. I just want visitors could have an opportunity leaving comments by the conventional way as well (i.e. w/o need to fire/login to maill app).

    so, what’s everyone’s experience with the “Contact Forms” in regards with Akismet issues?

  • I’ve never had any problems with my contact page comments.

  • Hi folks,

    see my comment on Akismet and MySQL here:

    Have a nice day,

  • “There appears be a bug that sometimes causes spam comments to either not show up in the spam queue, show up in the spam queue intermittently , or show up in the spam queue after some delay. We have received a few reports of this, but have not yet been able to replicate it. We will continue to work on this.” – WordPress quote

    Help. Comments encourage bloggers. I am fairly discouraged right now. I can’t even review my ‘spam’, and I am not alone.

  • Today, I made a startling discovery: Akismet is not only completely broken — it’s also hopelessly insane!

    Two days ago, I closed all of the posts on my site to comments, so that no more would be eaten alive by the mindless Akismet leviathan.

    When using the CONTEMPT theme — as I do for my site — existing comments to POSTS are preserved when comments are closed. However, any comments on a PAGE are automatically removed when comments are closed, at least when using the CONTEMPT theme and several others.

    So in order to preserve the more than 60 comments that my site had received on one particular page, rather than closing the page to further comments, I simply tweaked the CSS code to remove the Comments form and Submit button, thus rendering it impossible for anyone to leave any new comments, while leaving existing ones intact. That was two days ago.

    Checking on my site today, I found that the Spam count recorded by Akismet had gone up by one since yesterday — even though I made it impossible to leave any more comments to any page or post on my site!!!

    And, of course, in keeping with Akismet’s current state of utter disrepair, when I went to see what this new “piece of spam” was from which Akismet was “protecting” me, the message awaiting me was that I had no spam, and as a result, of course, this must be my lucky day.

    Well, the fact is that it will be a lucky day for ALL of us if and when the geniuses who run WordPress ever own up to the reality that Akismet is NOT WORKING, is so defective that it’s reporting SPAM even in situations where the ability to leave comments has been removed, and has severely damaged the credibility of who-knows-how-many WordPress bloggers by eviscerating who-knows-how-many legitimate comments.

    This problem has existed since early August, and that’s the last time that anyone from WordPress has addressed it. A simple workaround could be offered if WordPress would give bloggers the option to turn off Akismet and simultaneously turn on screening of all comments.

    The question must be asked: Why is WordPress stonewalling this issue?

  • @golddiggers
    I’d like to recommend that you discuss this matter directly with staff
    There are three reasons I’m suggesting this. The first reason is that volunteers cannot address matters to do with this Akismet problem and you are aware of that. The second reason is that the vast majority of us do not experience this problem. The third reason is that you are dealing with a corporate structure with a chain of command just and not a grass roots democratic structure. Consequently daily rabble rousing attempts are an ineffectual waste of your time and energy.

    Best wishes for a happy ending.

  • timethief, you answer so many questions that you evidently forgot that we had already covered this ground.

    All you have to do is look a little higher up on this very page to see that I HAVE contacted Support about this matter, and even reprinted herein the message that I sent to Support, in the hope that it would encourage others to follow suit.

    If you look above on this very same page, you’ll also see that twice before, you had mistakenly thought that I had not contacted Support, only to then correct yourself when I pointed out that I had.

    Again, I know that you answer many, many questions, so I can understand that you might not remember the details of every issue. But just check above and you’ll see that I really have already followed all of the steps that you recommend. The fact is that I wrote to Support well over a week ago, and they have simply never even had the courtesy to send me a reply. I stand by what I said– they are stonewalling this issue.

    As far as how many WordPress users are affected by this, I would venture to say that neither you nor I have any idea, because we know that many people aren’t even aware of the Spam queue, let alone ever bother to check it. But there have certainly been enough users who have complained about the matter on this forum to indicate that it is a problem of sufficient magnitude to warrant the attention of WordPress staff. Yet for over two months now, staff has been entirely unresponsive.

  • @options I’m sort of wondering the same thing about comments forms…see my comment here

    It’s mildly annoying to be deleting 4-10 emails a day that come through the comments form but it means the number of random spam comments to random blog posts of mine has dropped significantly (I used to see as much as 100 spam comments to a post in a month, now it’s like a few dozen a month…the 85 in my queue were over the course of a few months and they were all insurance related). The comments form is attracting the erectile dysfunction and porn site crowd though.

  • Yeah Golddiggers I have the exact same problem. This Akismet thing is really, really horrible. I hate it.

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