Problem with Uploading photos

  • I’m trying to upload photos but instead of a little thumbnail of the picture showing up in the browse menu, only the file name shows up. When I select “Show: Thumbnail” and “Link to: None” (my usual routine), then “Send to Editor” just the file name prints in my post. I’ve never had this problem before …

    One possible cause: I recently upgraded to Iphoto8 and haven’t tried uploading any photos since then. However, I’m not uploading them directly from iphoto. Since the files are too big in Iphoto (2 MB), I first export them to a folder on my desktop, shrinking them in the process (40-80 kB), and upload them from there. I was able to successfully upload one photo using this method tonight but none of the others I’ve tried have worked.

    Any advice? Also, is there any cleaner way to get big pictures out of Iphoto and onto wordpress?

  • There are some weirdnesses going on with WP’s servers at the moment. If I were you I’d call it an evening and go to sleep. Try again in the morning. I wouldn’t normally give such cavalier advice, but things do seem somewhat deeply hooped at the moment, and we can only hope they will be better tomorrow. has rather an unfortunate habit of doing changes on Friday and spending the weekend fixing what that causes.

  • I’m not sure this is the right place to post but…..

    I am having trouble uploading photos for my home page. The reason is that WP is blocking it b/c its sensing the professional link i think. HOWEVER, these are graduate photos which I’ve purchased the rights to post , download , print anywhere I want. Anyway to get around this block?

    Thanks in advance…

  • arbeeks, do you have a blog? Could you describe what kind of problem you have on uploading?

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