Problem with uploading media

  • Hi wordpress staff,

    was wondering about the recent changes in the interface. It seems that I no longer can upload photos to media library. It gives me the ” HTTP error”, nothing else.
    Never had this kind of problem before uploading media so I suspect it to be connected with the new interface. Could anyone broaden my understanding and maybe even help me out here, since my blog relies on photos. I just moved here from another blogging platform because it’s photo uploading and arranging mechanism had gotten worse and worse. It would be a shame and a real annoyance to having to look for a new platform again.

    All the best otherwise!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • So I found the answers:

    For anyone who might find themselves in the same situation.
    Sorry for being such an ignorant thing and post before reading.

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