Problem with scheduled posts

  • Hi –

    I had a post scheduled to go out on the 10th August but it has been published today (7th). What’s weird is that the date showing on the post is the 10th.


    Did I do something wrong?

    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide


  • Send the info to Support and ask them. Very odd: all my scheduled posts have gone out on time, but I did notice a week-old post turned up in Most Recently Updated on my Dashboard. Weirdness abounds.

  • Yup, tried to do that but just got a message saying “Support is currently closed”. :-(

  • Bloody hell. They’re playing hide and seek lately. Try emailing support at wordpress dot com.

  • It has been happening a lot to me recently when I have edited the time stamp on a post – for some reason the edit to the time stamp hasn’t taken effect. But if you were to go back into your post now to edit it, it would take effect, and your post would disappear from your site until 10th.

    I contacted support a couple of weeks ago, they said they were working on it – you could contact them for an update. I was hoping this had been fixed by now, I really want to play around with the dates of some future posts, but it can’t be done at present.

  • I have just received an email from support which says that this time stamp issue has now been resolved.

  • That’s funny, because it JUST occurred on my blog. I’m off to send another feedback.

  • Gah! Just after I had moved a couple of posts! Let me know how you get on.

  • Not only have the old posts messed up, with one missing entirely, but the post I just made, fresh out of the oven, got posted as of six hours ago, if you look at the timestamp. There is very definitely ongoing weirdness.

  • I have experienced this problem 3 times this week. I’m a bit upset because I have many future posts and I don’t want them all to appear any earlier than I have set. The posts that got out too early had a comment in it too. It’s just irksome to me. I’ve reported to feedback and a staff named Barry has replied saying that they’re looking into the bug. I hope they will solve it soon!

  • I just got an email from Barry, too. He’s working on it. A very strange error. I don’t want the Hello Kitty post to be at the top of my blog for the rest of eternity!

  • We have experienced the same problem on our blog just this week. I had 2 articles scheduled to appear this weekend. and lo and behold when loaded the blog yesterday they were showing up. I went in and edited the post and went through the motions again of setting the time stamp. After I did that the post disappeared and now shows scheduled to post on the original dates I wanted. One big problem with this is we use Feedburner’s rotating headline box on the sidbar. After I removed the post, the headline rotator still showed the post. Also, when my RSS feed with Feedburner went out the next day with the latest updates, the article teaser was in my feed as well. However when you clicked on the link to the story it was no longer there because of my editing the time stamp for a future date. I think to be safe for now we are going to discontinue using the “Scheduled Posts” feature and simply leave them as drafts then manually publish them on the day we desire….hopefully this global issue will be fixed and we’ll be able to enjoy the feature. Thanks!

  • I’m thinking that it’s important that you report these details to staff tomorrow when support is open And like you I won’t be making any scheduled posts myself until this feature is “fixed”.

  • Me neither, which is highly inconvenient to say the least.

    Juliet, you wouldn’t happen to be a lonely, 18-year-old Eastern European student, would you? Just a guess.

  • Hey, rain I was praising myself for passing on that post. I saved her for ya … lol :D

  • The original issue described here should have been fixed later that day, Aug 7th.

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