Problem Opening Documents

  • I have a Category named ‘University Club Forum’. When one clicks this category link, it displays a list of links – two to be exact. Each link is a PDF document that I uploaded. The problem is that it takes three additional clicks before the PDF document actually opens. Is this working as designed, or is this the limitation of the Vigilence theme that I’m using? I administer another blog using the Twenty Ten theme ( and I don’t have this problem. Documents loaded onto the Twenty Ten theme open on the first click. Help…..

    Thank You.

    Barb Barone, Site Administrator

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • a) The links you get when you click that category aren’t the PDFs, they are the posts in which you have inserted the PDFs.
    b) After uploading and before inserting those PDFs, you clicked the “Post URL” option, which is designed for images and produces a so-called attachment page. You should have clicked “File URL”.

    For one-click access to your PDFs, you can copy their URLs from Media > Library and create links (as well as a link category) for them in Links > Add New. Or you can create links for them in a text widget.

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