Private projects still showing up on portfolio front page

  • Hello,

    I am using the Illustratr theme. I have a handful of portfolio projects that are no longer current, which I wanted to remove from the website without deleting. I changed the visibility of these projects to Private, but they are still showing up on the portfolio front page. Does anybody have any idea of what is going on here?

    The website is


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, are you logged in to your site when looking at the portfolio page? If so, please try looking when logged out or using a private/incognito browsing window.

    If those projects are still visible then, please come back to this thread and let us know the names of the Private portfolio projects.

    Also, if you have any kind of WPcom upgrade, you are eligible for direct support via LiveChat or email when you post to

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