pricing question

  • hello im new to wordpress i see the pricing plan the ecommerce one have payment gateway, if i pay for that plan do i need to pay woo comerse plugin addicionaly? trying to get the budget of how much would it cost me to get payment set up,

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  • Hi, it is not necessary. WooCommerce comes pre-installed on the eCommerce plan. This link might give you more detail about the eCommerce plan:

    I hope I have been helpful.

  • Hi there,

    The WooCommerce plugin is free for anyone to install on their WordPress site. So, all you need to install WooCommerce on is our Business or eCommerce plan. Those are our only plans that allow the installation of plugins.

    Furthermore, the eCommerce plan comes bundled with some popular premium WooCommerce extensions.

    If you have any other questions, just let me know and I’ll be happy to help.

  • thanks for the information ,and yes i have one last question, if im gonna pay woocommerce so i can accept payment on my website (trying to sell some courses online) do i need to pay the ecommerce plan obligatory so i can handle payment or only with the premium woocommerce is enought?

  • Hi there,

    To clarify, you will need the Business plan (or higher) to add any plugin to your site. But once you upgrade, often plugins that you add are free. It’s a lot like apps on your phone, where you sometimes have to pay for the really good ones, but most are free.

    This is the case with WooCommerce. It is a free plugin for adding ecommerce functionality to any WordPress site.

    If you are just starting out with a new ecommerce site the Business Plan is sufficient. The eCommerce plan is more expensive and a better fit for large scale ecommerce sites but more than you need if you are getting started. Learn more about our Business Plan here:

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

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