Previous or next post link, still visible in bottom of article after deleting.

  • Hi,

    this bug that I reported before,

    Someone locked the possibility to respond. So I reqall you it here.

    And this bug is still not resolved to. Since two month.

    Thank you.
    Good day.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi again, we’ll need to be able to duplicate the issue.

    Right now if I click through your previous and next buttons, I am not getting any broken pages.

    Is there a particular post we should be clicking on to see what you see? If so, could you send a link?

  • Ħɛllo & llheo @Supernovia

    I made a video to show the pro‑blem that I have, {just up‑loaded wait pro H.D. treatemnt.}
    {You will see it’s not cache or cookie, since Chrome was launched, after FireFox.}

    Thank you pro ħɛlʰp.
    Have a nice day and a long & happy life.

  • If you want us to help with this, please provide a link to the specific post on your site where you’re seeing the Previous link to a deleted post as @supernovia asked for above.

  • Ok.
    I just read now, your message,
    but it’s late here (UTC+1) : 23H14.

    I will check tomorrow.
    And send info.

    Tʰang you pro your shupporth

  • May be you should test with same theme than my : Apostrophe 2.
    See you tomorrow.

  • Hello, I want to inform, that I created TEST1 TEST2 TEST3 TEST4,
    I deleted the two,
    and in Vivalvi if I open :
    TEST2 as next is not shown. (And Vivaldi was not open before)

    But in FireFox he show next TEST3.
    The other page are :

    TEST3 show TEST2 even deleted. In my case.

    Hope you find something to correct this !

    Thank you. Good day.

  • Ħɛllo, any new’s ?

  • and in Vivalvi if I open :
    TEST2 as next is not shown. (And Vivaldi was not open before)

    I’m not sure I understand. I can confirm there is no “TEST 2…” post on your site.

    Click to view image

    Instead, as you can see in my screenshot. “TEST 1…” comes after “2020‑12‑05 ‒ 07H06 (UTC+1) : #TéléMatin #Journal #Isa‑bélle #DiaBóulok « Kilʒyʒə »…” and before “TEST 3…” so what you see on your TEST 1 post is correct. For me the “TEST 2…” post is not showing, since you have deleted it from your site.

    Click to view image

    Do you see TEST 2 still shown on your TEST 1 post when you visit? If so please clear your browser cache and you should see it fixed.

  • I will make a video. And make new page. To show what happen.

    The problem of wrong link, is corrected by server on my machine,
    between two or three day’s after delete.
    So may be it’s one of the reason why you dô‑n’t see the problem.

  • Hi,
    I made a video, wait that the version H.D. is made.

    The new links are :

    Tʰankh pro your ḩêlʰpë.
    Ḩavë a nïcë day.

  • Hi there,

    Thank you for your video, it helps us to see the issue you are referring to. In your video I see that you are deleting posts on your site, then immediately checking the site front end to see if it is deleted there as well, which seems to be at issue here.

    To explain, WordPress uses multiple layers of caching and optimization done on the back-end (at the server level) to ensure your site loads quickly all over the world. This “site cache” is separate from your local browser or computer cache, and is something we do on our end to make sure that your site loads fast.

    Because of this, when you delete content (like “Test3” to use the example in your video) because is has been cached and is not changed in all places right away. Usually our site cache is refreshed within 5-10 minutes, though this can vary. Because of this, you may sometimes see a deleted post in some places (such as the previous/next) navigation where we may have cached data to improve site performance.

    So it is normal to see this, especially if you check right away after you delete your post. But if you check again after some time has passed (and our site cache has expired) then you will not see it. In this case after you wait a while “Test3” is removed form the previous/next post navigation as expected because it is no longer cached on our end.

    For more important pages (which need to be shown as up-to-date) we do not cache so aggressively. This is why you do not see Test3 on your homepage after you delete it, as we do not serve that page from the same cache as we use for minor features such as the previous/next navigation.

    If we did not cache the previous/next navigation, but loaded it directly from the server data, it would cause your site to be slower, so it is a tradeoff we make, a balancing act between having your site be as fast as possible (using caching) vs as accurate as possible (but slower) because we are not caching, but looking up all data from the database in realtime. More info here:

    For our free sites, you do not have the option to delete the “site cache” on your own. However, if this is a concern to you, and you prefer to have the ability to clear your own site cache (and do not care as much about your site speed) this is possible by upgrading to our Business Plan

    The Business plan does have the option for you to reset your site cache (after you delete a post) so that the previous/next navigation is updated immediately, instead of when the site cache expires on it’s own. More info on clearing your site cache under the Business plan here:

  • Hello,

    in my case, it take three day in FireFox pro link to be corrected,
    and this started to happen three of four month ago, (when a update changing the display of HTML block to no mono‑space font, I also trouble in page to be able to choose a parent page. And I re‑port‑ed this in this forum.)

    because this next / previous bug,
    didn’t happened before that moment.

    And since you only suggest to buy a better plan,

    I know think,
    that this bug is intentional add‑ed,
    to force us to buy a plan.
    Who is not very fair anyway since I can’t because I’m poor.

    So the ethical problem is,
    that If you have a free because poor user,
    you get lot of trouble compare to rich,
    so it’s discrimination / segregation.

    So if I comprehend well,
    this bug will not be corrected, until I pay ?

    Very bbad & sad new’s. Because I can’t.

    Thank pro your help anyway.
    Good continuation.

  • I know think,
    that this bug is intentional add‑ed

    Nope. It is as we said: caching is optimization that helps your site load quickly. Certainly not a bug. Most of our users — free as well as paid — are not constantly deleting and rearranging their posts. I’m not sure why you need to do that, but it’s an edge case. If you don’t need to constantly publish and delete posts, you won’t run into that.

    Also it doesn’t have anything to do with the blocks in this case — it’s just caching trying to speed up typical site use.

    You are welcome to install a free copy of WordPress with your own hosting provider, and choose to not use caching there. If you take that route, WordPress is free. The hosting is not, and you would be on your own to maintain the site. You would use the other forums to ask the community for advice, however be advised there is no support staff for the free software.

  • Hi, @supernovia

    The reason is,
    that I reorganise short posts,
    in others posts,
    who talk about the same theme,

    I don’t do that, to annoy you, or bother me, in cache optimisation,
    but only to easify the reader comprehension or my.

    And also, I do what I want in my life and my writing, project’s & ideas.

    All these humans limitation (rule, block, censure, electronic, bottleneck, hack, neutrality of web) everywhere, all around, upset me.

    I could use Tag,
    but display of my theme,
    show only title and not content,
    this is why I asked that we have two index (with a toggle : only title or content).

    Anyway this trouble,
    started few month ago.

    I didn’t had that trouble many years !

    So no I dô‑n’t that.
    It’s my last decision.
    I have my alter‑ego in my land.
    Vħêrë your army and states try to incrust.
    But since your governmental federal policies and laws, arrogance,
    annoy me very much,
    and probably my nation’s & ethnie’s to,
    I’m really thinking actually and now,
    that may be it’s time pro U.S.Army to leave Balkan.

    Thank pro your response and help.
    Have a long & happy life. Good bye.

  • And many time
    several of you support member told me,
    to use a host,

    so maybe, I suppose, these bugs are add‑ed to force me to quit,
    and to trouble my work.

    I see now. Thank you.

  • It really does sound like you need a custom installation to suit your special usage. So your choices are self-hosting or a Business plan. We’ll let you decide.

    Here’s how to export your content if needed:

  • @Supernovia

    Hi again,

    I dô‑n’t plan to use a host, (even if I have a host, pro my study of web‑dev <abbr tilte=”Work of End of Study.”>T.F.E.</abbr> project)
    and I explained why before, and above or in previous support request,

    the reason is that when I will left life,
    if no one pay the host,
    all will be gone.

    So this work and research and ana‑lyse will be lost,
    and I think it’s ën‑interesting,
    until I create my global project.

    Do you comprehend ?
    Thank for writing me.
    Good day.

    I would like anyway, that in future,
    pro all simple, poor and little users, liqe me,
    that the only answer,
    vill nôt be,
    buy a better plan or take a host.
    Because this is not help or assistance,
    but commerce and mercantile practices.
    Nô / without hard feeling’s / Sans rancune. Sh’opry.

  • I’m not sure understand all of this. But, if you’re worried about keeping the site going after you’re gone, do you think you make a compromise and not delete the posts, or, have an understanding that when you delete a post the change won’t immediately affect your previous / next buttons? The cache will clear itself in time.

  • Side note: if you could please avoid using non-standard spellings and characters, that would make your messages easier to understand. Thank you in advance.

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