Posts Not Showing on Respective Tag Pages

  • For the last few months I’ve been having trouble with my new posts not showing up on the pages of whatever I’ve tagged them with. I thought this was happening because I was scheduling posts, but even when I manually upload a post it still doesn’t always show. My post this morning didn’t show and so I deleted it and uploaded it again, but this didn’t help. This is incredibly frustrating since the showcase forum was taken away with the assumption that people get traffic through tags. Well, not if the posts don’t show up in the tags. I know other people have had problems with this – is there a solution, or is this an ongoing glitch?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • All reasons for non-appearance of posts on Topics pages can be found here >
    They don’t appear to apply to your blog so I’ll tag this thread for a Staff follow up. Please subscribe to the thread so you are notified when they respond and please be patient while waiting.

  • Hi there, I checked your post published on July 5 and I’m seeing it in the Reader:

    Is there another post you’re not seeing show up? One thing to keep in mind is that some of your tags are quite popular, so you may need to scroll past a number of other posts to before you see yours.

    Just let me know if you need further help.

  • The one on July 5th showed up; the one on July 3rd never did, if I remember correctly. Might have been the one from July 1st.

    No, it’s not that they’re hidden by other posts. Either they show up in the reader or they never do; even if I skim down and refresh several times, they never show up.

  • If this happens again, could you please add a reply here right away, and include a link to the specific post so I can have a look? Thanks.

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