posting under other headings

  • I want to post images and text under a separate sub page on my blog. When I have attempted to post under a second heading the post keeps appearing on my front home page and not on the intended page. What am I doing wrong?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You are not doing anything wrong: all is working as intended. You have one dynamic page for posting your articles: it changes automatically each time you publish.

    You cannot post to a page.

    Pages are static. Posts have dates and can be tagged and categorized. Those tags (or categories) have links which will allow you to see all the posts which have a specific tag (or category). You can use lose links to make tabs in you navigation by building a custom menu.

    Here is a detailed article about how to do that. Be sure to read the information about categories and the differences between posts and pages Justpi lists at the beginning:

    Custom menus

  • Thank you for taking the time to reply. All resolved now. :)

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