Posting in different pages

  • Hi everyone,
    I am currently trying to set up a site for my school news paper- and i find myself in trouble because we have several parent pages, and every article goes ideally under their specific subject. I find my self unable to post one article on one page and another article on a different page. If any one has a solution that can help me please do. Thanks!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • This gets asked about 5 or 10 times each day, and a forum search would probably result in 500 or more threads. Read the following post by Panos.

    “Posts on pages”

  • I know but I don’t understand when they start talking html format… any way thank you

  • The don’t. All you need to do is to make all the different specific subjects into categories and then put the related posts in those categories, and then use a custom menu and put those category names into the top navigation on your blog. Then people can click on the category in the top navigation and get only the posts that are in that category.


    If you don’t want the posts to all show up on the main page, then create a static front page, an introduction, and set that as the static front page for the site and then don’t create a “blog” page for the posts.

    Set the Homepage

  • Yeah the problem is that i already tried the category thing but when I click publish I still don’t find the article where the category should of put it, it’s no where apart from the featured section…. thank you again

  • What category did you put the posts in?

  • There is no way to keep the posts from showing on the standard “blog” front page, which is why you create a static front page with just an introduction.

    We just aren’t meeting on an understanding here since people here do this all the time, I just have to find a way to get my point across.

  • I’ll go ahead and detail this out for you and hopefully we can have an ah-ha.

    1. Create a new main landing page, title it what you want (home, welcome, etc.) and publish it.
    2. Go to settings > reading and where it says Front page displays, from the “Front page:”pulldown select the static front page that you created in #1. Do not select any page for the “posts” page.
    2. Create categories for each subject that you need to separate your posts into.
    3. Go in and assign the posts to the specific categories and make sure that is the ONLY category assigned to that post. Make sure the posts are published.
    4. Go to appearance > menu and create a new custom menu and save. Then add any static pages you wish to that menu (including your new main landing page you created in #1) and click “add to menu.”
    5. In the “categories module, select all the categories you created that you want to have in the top navigation and then click “add to menu.”
    Now, by drag and drop you can arrange those pages and categories as you wish in your new custom menu and again “save” the menu.
    6. As a last step, go to the “theme locations” module on the custom menu page and select your top or primary menu location and click “save.”

    Visit your blog, force refresh the main page and see if it does not work the way you want it to.

  • For article X I put the categories- review (parent) and technology, idealy like you said and it happened to me before (with another them) it would show up in the page… but it doesn’t

  • You have to delete those pages you created. They are static and sit outside the blog structure. They will not display posts. What you need to put into the top menu, via the custom menu, are that actual categories.

    Delete those pages and try it out with one sample category in a custom menu and once you have that and see how it works then you can continue on with the other categories and posts.

  • This is what will show up under your review category tab at the top once you create the custom menu and add the “technology” category to it.

  • i have a question in #4 it says to create a new menu etc I already have menus set up like your saying and lets say in one menu that is called reviews I have 5 different pages (books, movies, technology etc) i also have the categories that are called like these 5 different pages… is this alright? also where it says title attribute do I fill it in?

  • So i cant have drop menus?

  • Yes, you can. The custom menu supports dropdown menus. You put the categories you want to be children physically below the parent and then drag the slightly to the right and they will become children of that parent. You can nest them as deep as you wish.

    How to make dropdowns of of child menu items is covered in the menus support document I referenced above.

  • ok but I have to do this by the menues and not by the pages

  • 6. As a last step, go to the “theme locations” module on the custom menu page and select your top or primary menu location and click “save.”

    also where is the theme location of the custom menue page i cant find it

  • Yes, you have to do this by menus and not by pages. PAGES are actually completely different, and not what you want. It’s a technical term.

    If your theme doesn’t offer custom menus, you’ll have to change themes.

  • Thank you to the both of you

  • wait so how many pages do i do?

  • You don’t do pages. Pages are static and cannot display posts. You do not have to create pages at all.

    Simply create and assign the categories to your posts. The wordpress software and the custom menu will do the rest for you.

    Also one other thing I’ll mention that I forgot, is going this way, do not create “child” categories. Again, the custom menu will take care of that for you as you get into that part of things.

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