Posting area wider in K2?

  • I post medium sized images from flickr and love K2, except for the fact that I have to remove the border of the photos if I want them to appear completely in the posting area.
    I have purchased the CSS but have not been able to tweak the width of the posting box, or make the right menu narrower…
    My blog is at on

  • Currently the width of the posts column is of 500px. Would widening it 20px more work for you? If so, try this:

    #primary {
    	width: 520px;
    	margin: 0 10px 0 10px;

    Making it wider than that would mess up your layout, you could try widening it 30px more instead of 20, but you should check if your blog would still look good in IE6.

    Also, I wouldn’t recommend making the right column narrower because, to begin with, your email image would go over the right margin. That could happen with other images you have there.

    Also, if you make the left (posts) columns wider, that would push the right column down, and of course, you don’t want that.


  • devblog, thanks! You hit the nail right on the head! Thanks so much! 520px was just what I needed to leave the photo border on. I’ll make the topic resolved.

  • @claudecf
    Your blog looks good. :)

  • @claudecf
    Your blog looks good. :) And I share your musical taste … lol :)

  • timethief, thanks! I wish I could see YOUR blog ;)

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