Post that only shows title on front page, but still links to full post

  • I want posts that are links (based on post-format) to show only the title on the main page.
    Could someone help me figure out how to hide the post contents (so only the title is visible) on the main page without altering the way the post appears once the reader goes to view the post?

    The blog I need help with is Theme: Customized Grid Focus by Derek Punsalan.

    Gary Christopherson

  • Hi Gary,

    Just to confirm, did you mean the blog (rather than .com)? It looks like that’s the address of your blog using the Customized Grid Focus theme, and I just want to make sure I’m looking in the right place.

    To hide the post contents for posts with the link format on the main page, you can use this CSS:

    .home .format-link .entry {
    display: none;

    Let me know how that works out for you!

    In the future, you can also post CSS questions to the CSS Customization forum, where you can get support from a variety of staff and volunteer CSS experts.

  • Hi Rachel,
    You are correct that it is
    I played around with the CSS you suggested (in the post; in the small part of the Theme’s CSS that I get to see).
    It is unclear to me where to install it. Give the way that the Customized Grid Focus is set up, I only see a small part of the total CSS that drives this theme.

  • Hi Gary,

    Sorry about that! I’d be happy to give you instructions for entering that CSS. It sounds like you already know how to get to the CSS editor, but just in case I will start with that:

    To get to the CSS editor, you can go to Appearance > Customize in your blog’s dashboard. In the customization sidebar that comes up, click on CSS to open the CSS editor. What you see in that editor is just the custom CSS that is active on your blog (not the default CSS for the theme).

    To add the CSS that I mentioned before, you can just paste it underneath the CSS that is already in the CSS editor. Click “Save” to make sure your changes are saved, and then it should be active on your site.

    You can test the CSS by posting a link on your blog — if it doesn’t appear as expected, please let me know and I will be happy to look into it for you!

  • Hi Rachel,
    I did paste your CSS into the CSS in “Customize”. I put it at the end. When I just pasted it in, I got an error code saying unexpected bracket. I saved it but it did not hide the post text.
    I tried it again by removing one of the brackets, saved it and again it did not hide the text.
    While it shows your CSS there after I save it, when I go back a minute later, your CSS has disappeared.

  • Hi Gary,

    Well, that’s odd! I just pasted it for you in to see if it would work, and it seemed to save the CSS this time around. Can you take a look at see if it is working for you now?

  • Hi Rachel,
    I see the CSS is there as you put it in.
    But, the post title and the post content are both showing though only the post title should be showing on the front page. The post content should only be showing with going to the full post after clicking the title.
    See my latest blog entry as a test.
    The intent behind this is to treat the title as “tweet” type entry but with fuller content being seen when going to the full post.
    Thanks for your patience.


  • Hi Gary,
    I took a look at your latest blog entry, and it is using the standard post format. You mentioned in your original post that you wanted to only hide the post content for the link post format — did I understand that right? If so, you will need to select the link format in the Post Format module in the post editor for that post. Please let me know if you have any questions about this!

  • Hi Rachel,
    My apologies. I am missing something.
    When I open up the post in the editor, the only “link” format I find is the one that allows me to insert something like a url.
    Maybe this is not going to work as I had hoped.


  • Hi Gary,

    I’m so sorry about this — I just realized that the Grid Lock theme does not support post formats, so this fix won’t work for your blog. ( I thought I had checked that, but I must have been looking at the wrong theme!) If you would like to hide the post content for all of the posts on the main page of your blog (and not just some of them), I can help you do that! Please just let me know if this is something you are interested in.

    Again, I apologize for the oversight on my part.

  • Hi Rachel,
    One option is for me to switch to a theme that does what we are trying to do. If you have some examples that are similar and support a two column format, that would be helpful.
    Actually, my thought was to hide all the post content and treat it like a twitter (title) and the link going to the full title and content. I would do this for all the posts as a variation on the Grid Lock theme.


  • Hi Gary,

    If you want to remove all of the post content on the main page of your blog (not just posts with the link post format), you can do this by removing “.format-link” from the CSS I gave you so that it is just this:

    .home .entry {
    display: none;

    If you want to target specifically posts with a link post format (and still have posts with the standard format that display their post content on the main page), you can browse through this list of themes that support post formats and have two columns:

    You might be interested in a theme like Truly Minimal or SemPress.

    Sorry for the confusion earlier — hopefully one of these solutions will work for you!

  • Hi Rachel,
    That worked for the across the board approach. Now I need to play with it to see if it gets me where I want to go with the Thrive! blog.
    Earlier, I had looked at those two themes and they are good options.
    Thanks for all your help.


  • You’re welcome, Gary! I’m glad that approach worked for you. Please let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help. :)

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