Possibly Related Should Be No Follow

  • Why is Possibly Related not rel=”nofollow”?

    I can’t vouch for these links.

    In contrast if I manually approve a comment and I’m fine with the commenter, I should be able to allow them dofollow.

    Why isn’t there an option for the number of links in possibly related?

    I’m open to the idea but if its limited to two links, and if it’s rel=”nofollow”. In the meantime I’ve disabled this feature.

  • It’s NOT? My, that’s quite remarkable. Yes, you would naturally assume they are “no follow.” The outcome of the current formatting of course, is to significantly boost the Technorati ranking of any blog that allows the display of these links, as the automated posts count just as much as a human-chosen link. I would expect that will be changed, but it might not be within the next couple of months. The Recent Comments widget used to work that way until I pointed it out to someone on staff and then POOF.

    We’ll see about this, though. WP.com obviously has every reason to reward people who do use the feature vs those who don’t. But Google and Technorati sometimes feel differently about these kinds of things. I would hate for Google to give us all a write-down over this.

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