Portfolio thumbnails adjustment Black theme

  • Hello there,

    i have built my wordpress page with blask, but the thumbnails of the
    the layout aren’t regular appearing on the front-page.
    I would be very greatful if anybody can help me with that.



    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • @staff:

    It appears that my first post in response here might have been spammed.

  • Hi Musicdoc,

    i see your last message, but not the response to my question.
    Can you post it again?


  • @parisakarimi,

    Hi. Sorry about the delay. I’ve just submitted my second long response, wherein I mention two potential causes of the issue, but that response was evidently spammed as well. I don’t know why, in either case.

    In a nutshell, my lost responses explain that I suspect the odd spacing of projects on your homepage, a type of formatting error, might be caused by either 1.) the custom cursor or cursor special effect present on your site, which I presume is produced by a plugin, since I don’t find any option for it in the Blask theme overview, or elsewhere in Blask documentation, or 2. The GIF image in the sidebar widget area.

    Please fish one, or both, of my longish responses to @parisakarimi out of spam if that’s where they’ve been sent.

  • @musicdoc

    thx for your answer. The cursor and the gifs are for sure not the reason for that problem, although the cursor isn’t working yet on all browsers. The problem is older. I’m sure it has to do with a plugin, but I don’t know which one.
    And I don’t want just to try out by deleting them as that might destroy other parts. Do you have an idea how to deal with that?

  • Hi Parisa,

    The inconsistent spacing between projects on the homepage of parisakarimi.com is certainly not normal, and I find the odd spacing much worse on Firefox 107.0 than on the latest Google Chrome browser. I suspect that these issues might be being caused by a formatting error, or possibly a plugin. I’ve called for staff attention to see if they can help to detect the cause and offer a solution.

    The HTML Troubleshooting support page might be helpful, but not if the issues are caused by a plugin. I mention plugin as a potential cause because of the following observations:

    • There is a mouse cursor special effect that isn’t (as far as I know) a built-in option on the Blask theme.
    • The cursor special effect works for me on the latest Google Chrome, but not on Firefox 107.0 on the homepage, where the cursor instead becomes invisible.
    • On FF 107.0, the special effect works intermittently on project pages, with again the cursor sometimes disappearing entirely.
  • Hi,

    Sorry for the delay. Sometimes staff will be able to “fish” a forum post out of depths when it’s been inadvertently marked as spam. I was hoping that would be the case here, because I’d spent quite a while preparing that response, including the time spent making observations on your site, the Blask demo, and on a test site. Let me try again, and I’ll remember to save my work this time.

    I suspect that the odd spacing of projects on your homepage, a type of formatting error, might be caused by one of the following:

    1. The custom cursor or cursor special effect, which I presume is produced by a plugin, since I don’t find any option for it in the Blask theme overview, or in the options at Customize on the free version of Blask.
    2. The GIF image in the sidebar widget area.

    Observations regarding #1:

    • The custom cursor works fine for me on Google Chrome, but it doesn’t work for me on the latest Firefox browser (FF 107.0), although there are hints of its presence here and there as I move the cursor around.
    • While the custom cursor works perfectly for me on Google Chrome, the spacing is even more irregular than it is on FF 107.0. On Firefox the irregular spacing begins after the fifth row of projects, while on Google Chrome it begins after the first row.
    • On the homepage in FF 107.0, the problem is worse than on project pages on the site, because no cursor (custom or default) displays on the homepage. Despite this, I can use the sidebar menu, because the text is highlighted when I run the invisible cursor over it, and I can tell which project I’m pointing at because the title becomes visible when I scroll over any project on the homepage.

    I’ve tagged the topic for staff attention again. Staff should respond here soon, and hopefully they’ll be able to shed some light on what’s causing the irregular display of projects on your homepage, with the large gaps between projects.

  • Hey there @musicdoc1 – apologies for the spamming! We’re working on that!

    Thank you for providing valuable insight into the thread.

  • @aleone89,

    Thanks chief! No worries, but unfortunately it just happened again here a minute ago. : )

  • @aleone89,

    Thanks captain. : )


    I’m sure it has to do with a plugin, but I don’t know which one…And I don’t want just to try out by deleting them as that might destroy other parts. Do you have an idea how to deal with that?

    The Troubleshooting Plugin or Theme Conflicts section of the Get Help With Plugins and Themes support page says, in part:

    If you contact a third-party theme/plugin developer, the first thing they might ask you to try is to deactivate the theme/plugin temporarily to see if having it turned off resolves your issue.

    It then provides a link to the support page Solve Problems With Plugins, which includes multi-step procedures for manually deactivating a plugin and using WordPress.com’s Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin.

    Also, since I’ve virtually no experience regarding third-party plugins, I’m hoping that staff will chime in with their expertise. : )

  • @parisakarimi,

    I’m sure it has to do with a plugin, but I don’t know which one…And I don’t want just to try out by deleting them as that might destroy other parts. Do you have an idea how to deal with that?

    The Troubleshooting Plugin or Theme Conflicts section of the Get Help With Plugins and Themes support page says, in part:

    If you contact a third-party theme/plugin developer, the first thing they might ask you to try is to deactivate the theme/plugin temporarily to see if having it turned off resolves your issue.

    It then provides a link to the comprehensive support page Solve Problems With Plugins, which includes multi-step procedures for manually deactivating a plugin and using WordPress.com’s Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin.

    Also, since I’ve virtually no experience regarding third-party plugins, I’m hoping that staff will chime in with their expertise.

  • @musicdoc1 thank you for the ideas.
    I tried the plugin health check& troubleshooting. the first result was, that the blask theme dissapeared and just the last portfolio upload remained with a green background, my logo and no menu at all. I clicked the different plugins on and off but it was not bringing back the blask layout.

  • @musicdoc1 thank you so much for your time checking my webpage!!!
    I changed the cursor a bit and it seem to work on different browsers now. at least it doesn’t disappear completely. the gap-problem remain and is looking different with different browsers. I guess the last option to solve that problem would be to go through the plugins with somebody who has good experience and knowledge about WordPress plugins, the theme blask and is better in coding than me.

  • and sorry for the delayed answers. WordPress doesn’t inform me about new posts for that forum.

  • I tried the plugin health check& troubleshooting.

    Thanks for your feedback regarding your trial with the Health Check plugin. Unfortunately, I don’t know anything about that plugin, so I’ll leave it to staff to respond regarding the results you’ve described.

    I changed the cursor a bit and it seem to work on different browsers now. at least it doesn’t disappear completely. the gap-problem remain and is looking different with different browsers.

    On both FF 107.0.1 and Google Chrome 107.0.5304.123, I’m now seeing a regular cursor on your homepage, and on project pages. On the homepage, the projects are presently displaying normally for me, with no unexpected large gaps between projects, and I didn’t notice any unexpected behavior on the other pages that I checked.

  • I guess the last option to solve that problem would be to go through the plugins with somebody who has good experience and knowledge about WordPress plugins, the theme blask and is better in coding than me.

    I hope that staff will advise you regarding any remaining plugin and coding issues. : )

  • Thanks for your detailed troubleshooting, @musicdoc :)

    I’ve been looking over your front page now in Firefox 107, Chrome 108.0.5359.71 and Safari 16.0 but I couldn’t see any weird gaps when I checked. For reference I’m using Mac OS 12.6 – is this different to what you have @parisakarimi ?

  • thank you for your replies. the problem is solved by WordPress support. It was caused by a bug in a plugin.

  • Thanks for the update. Always glad to help. : )

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