Portfolio shortcode not displaying properly in Illustratr theme

  • Hello,

    I am trying to create a page on my site that uses the Illustratr theme. I want to create a page that displays a portfolio which includes projects of only a certain project type. I did some searches in the forum and it seems like the best way to do this is by using the portfolio shortcode, but the Illustratr theme does not appear to display the portfolio shortcode the same way that it displays its portfolio pages.

    I attempted to create a new page and add the portfolio shortcode. However, by default, the shortcode only displays the project title and however much of the textual content will fit in the space. It does not display the featured image, and it doesn’t even link to the actual project page.

    All I want to do is create a page identical to this portfolio page: https://spleencoffin.com/ but show ONLY projects with a specific project type. Is this possible using the shortcode? Or would it be easier to just add some kind of custom CSS to this page?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    By default WordPress will create “archive pages” for each of the project types you create, and these will use the default portfolio styling for the Illustratr theme.

    For example, WordPress created this page for you automatically, to show all your portfolio projects with the “Releases” project type: https://spleencoffin.com/project-type/releases/

    You can also add the automatically created pages to your site menu, though they are not added in exactly the same way as pages are added. This is difficult to explain in words, so I recorded a quick video to show you how to find and add project types to your menu.

    You can view the at this link: https://d.pr/v/gI3ZTI

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

  • Hi again,

    I forgot to mention that this is the support forum for our free sites, but your Business Yearly Plan upgrade includes priority live chat support that you can access 24 hours a day (except major holidays)

    With this in mind you are encouraged to reach out to us here, and we can take a closer look at your issue in realtime. No need to wait for a reply in the forums: https://wordpress.com/help/contact

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