Portfolio setup, Sorbet theme, no option to lose sidebar. Work-around?

  • I am using the Sorbet theme. I’ve activated the Portfolio feature, uploaded a CloudUp PDF, embedded it as a (draft) project, and secured the desired result. Mostly. But one thing vexes me. The sidebar– can’t figure out how to lose it in the Portfolio section.

    The blog portion appears with sidebar, as I configured. But I see no mechanism to establish full width throughout all Portfolio pages alone. So, I peeked in the static pages Admin section. But that area offers no portfolio subsection for assigning page location. I suspect that’s to protect me from me– obvious hassles with a page named “portfolio.”

    I know a proper portfolio-centric theme would cure the problem. But I’m trying, hard, to stick with Sorbet. Only hold-up is the full-width deal. Did I miss an essential step while hanging out in the granddaddy WP-admin area? Am I attempting the impossible? Only work-around I can think of, via pages, = name the base Pam’s portfolio ( /pam-portfolio ) to preclude glitches. Sound reasonable? Other suggestions???

    WordPress.com, not .org, site. Thank you in advance.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    On the Sorbet theme, the sidebar widget area displays by default on the portfolio page, and there is no setting at Customize on this theme that would hide it. Therefore, I think it would require CSS Customization to hide that widget area on the portfolio page.

    One workaround would be to insert Portfolio Shortcode into a static page with the full-width, no sidebar template assigned to it. I’m not sure if that’s what you were suggesting here:

    Only work-around I can think of, via pages, = name the base Pam’s portfolio ( /pam-portfolio ) to preclude glitches.

  • Premium here, so I can do a customization. Thank you. I now know enough to go harass Google. 🤗

    You did follow my work-around thought re a static page. Don’t see a way to tie that in formally within the portfolio area, but I’ll figure it out.

    Thank you.

  • You’re welcome. 🤗

    Don’t see a way to tie that in formally within the portfolio area

    The code
    inserted into a static page, post, text widget, etc. will display the portfolio, but it won’t be displayed with the same look (format and design elements) as the theme’s standard portfolio page. Portfolio shortcode may be customized as described in the Attributes section of the Portfolio Shortcode support page. A link to this custom portfolio page may be included in a custom menu.

  • You’re welcome. :)

  • As another option, just wanted to mention that since you have access to Custom CSS, you can hide the sidebar on portfolio pages with this:

    /* Hide sidebar on portfolio archive and single projects */
    .post-type-archive-jetpack-portfolio #secondary, .single-jetpack-portfolio #secondary {
         display: none;
    /* Expand the page width on portfolio archive and single projects */
    .post-type-archive-jetpack-portfolio .site-main, .single-jetpack-portfolio .site-main {
        margin: 0 auto;

    Which ever method works best for you.

  • Major cool! Soon as I reawaken my energy level (2d pot of coffee’s brewin’), a Snoopy-style happy dance for sure! 🙌🏽 Super thx!

  • Yay! A morning Snoopy-dance sounds energizing. Just let us know if you need further help!

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