Portfolio Content Missing

  • I keep receiving the “oops nothing was found” page when trying to view the work i’ve added in my portfolio. Once I click the “work” tab from the home page and go on to click the appropriate project icon of which I’d like to view work from, it brings me to the error page. The pages were working for me to view the content perfectly earlier, not sure why they aren’t anymore. There is definitely work posted in my portfolio for each project, as I am still able to go in and edit everything, but nothing shows up on the website side of things. I edited a blog post from 9/23 and now that post “Ford Field Park – Dearborn, MI” is showing up as a link at the bottom of the error page “oops nothing was found.” I also requested to have this blog transferred to another word press account, but have not been notified via email yet about that, so I don’t know if that plays a roll in the issue. Not sure what’s going on. I appreciate the help, as I am trying to show my website off as soon as possible. Thanks! -Ashley

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello ashetcetera

    Is this still happening to you? Here I can see the portfolio content correctly, all of the 3 links in the Work page leads to something.

    Regarding to your “Ford Field Park – Dearborn, MI” post appearing on the bottom of 404 error page (oops, nothing was found), it is the normal behavior of the chosen theme, Argent. You can check it out accessing a non-existant page on Argent Demo, for instance: https://argentdemo.wordpress.com/thispagedoesnotexists

    Please let us know

  • This is no longer happening. Everything seems to be working fine now. Thanks. Issue resolved on its own.

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