Plugins and all that good stuff

  • Hi,

    I wanted to add Google analytics to my site but see that it’s reserved for Business WordPress…..Is that correct? If so, will that be the case for all plugins? For example, if I wanted to add Yoast SEO plugin, would that be possible for my Premium plan?

    Aside from google analytics, live chat, and unlimited space (how can I tell how much space I’ve used so far?), I’m trying to gauge the benefits of upgrading to Business….

    Can someone hope me out?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I wanted to add Google analytics to my site but see that it’s reserved for Business WordPress…..Is that correct?


    If so, will that be the case for all plugins? For example, if I wanted to add Yoast SEO plugin, would that be possible for my Premium plan?


  • This is not a throw money at it and get SEO plugins etc. situation at all so be clear on that please. See here:

    Make sure you read the comparison very closely do you know exactly what the restrictions and limitations on WordPress.COM blogging are:

    Read Important Notes Before Upgrading

    Blogger installed plugin capability does not exist on WordPress.COM blogs and there is no upgrade you can purchase here that changes that reality. You are confusing WordPress.ORG and WordPress.COM. For that type of functionality you’d need a self-hosted site running on a paid web hosting service. provides free blogs and hosts them free of charge. There are no bandwidth charges. All blogs come with 3000 megabytes (~3 GBs) of space for storing uploaded files and images. Free features are listed here

    See here for details of all 3 plans offered by

    Note that each upgrade bundle applies to a single blog only and is for a single year only when it is due to be renewed.

    Neither the free plan nor the Premium plan allow you to upload your own themes or plugins. blogs cannot be equipped for eCommerce transactions unless they have the $299. per year Business upgrade.
    See here for ecommerce details

    Provided you are selling only what you yourself make or a service that you personally provide you have two options that require no upgrading.

    (1) Know that the only instructions that will work for posting a PayPal donation button on a blog are found here

    (2) If you set up an Ecommerce site somewhere else online you can create a custom menu and include a custom link to that site in it.

    Some bloggers create a contact form and after the people have made a PayPal donation they provide the link to a private page for downloading files. Maybe that will work for you.

    Otherwise, no blogger initiated advertising is allowed on blogs. The only advertising program at is called WordAds and it’s for blogs on their own domains.

    Advertising outside of WordAds at is not allowed. Here’s what gets a blog suspended:

    1. allows bloggers to insert text affiliate links within post and page content to most third-party affiliate programs, provided they are not the primary content of the site in question.

    2. Image affiliate links in posts and pages and any banners, affiliate links in sidebar or footer widget areas, are still considered to be advertising and are not allowed on blogs. does not accept domain transfers but mapping an existing domain is possible.

    Domain mapping of an existing domain URL that you already own and purchased elsewhere is not done free of charge. You will have to renew the domain name purchase where you made it and the domain mapping purchase here every year.

    Mapping an existing domain costs $13. annually. In order to map to a domain one must have an underlying subdomain blog to map from and it does not matter what that underlying URL is. It does not have to match the domain URL. If you have registered a blog you log in as Admin under the exact same username account that registered the blog and purchase a domain name by purchasing an annually renewable domain mapping upgrade for the blog.

    If you own a domain then see here for mapping an existing domain that you already own

    Dashboard > Store > My Upgrades is where you do the primary blog set up knowing it can take between 24 – 72 hours for domain name propagation to take place throughout the internet. You can view the DNS changes here > What’s important during that stage is to be patient.

    WordPress.COM and WordPress.ORG are completely separate and have different username accounts, logins, features, run different versions of some themes with the same names, and have separate support documentation and separate support forums. Read the differences here

  • Hi timethief,

    Thanks for all this info. Admittedly, I’m a bit out of my confort zone but doing my best to learn. After reading this, here are some questions for you:

    1. I want to have guest authors on my site. I don’t want them to have any admin access admin, but rather just provide me with articles for me to review, edit and post; I would acknowledge their authorship in the post per se. Is this a problem?

    2. Can advertise my own consulting services? This links says that I can sell products (and services, I’m assuming). I’m also assuming that this applies for the Premium plan, as I don’t need any online transaction support for now.

    3. If I were to move to the .org, where to heck would I start…and what exactly could move with me from my .com site (note that I own my domain and it’s not from WP): Hive theme? Custom CSS (I can always copy/paste my current CSS in the new environment)?


  • Hi timethief,

    Q1 above has been answered, but what about Q2 and 3? :

    Q2. Can I advertise my consulting services on the .com?
    Q3. I know that the Hive theme isn’t distributed by the .org, so does that mean I couldn’t transfer it over?


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