Please tell me this is an error!

  • It suddenly takes three times as long to use reader. To see a post I click on the tile as in the old days but now I get a snippet and need to click again to see the the blog and it does not open in a new window, so I lose where I am in the reader. Previously I clicked on the title and the blog opened in a new window.

    Someone clicking on my post no longer sees the picture they get a snippet of what was written about the photograph. This is under the photography tag, where pictures are key.

    Not a friendly change hopefully there is something that can be done to provide an option for readers so that we do not have to go through an intermediary summary to get to what we would like to see.

    Please confirm this is not the change you wanted to make.

    Thank you.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • What browser and version are you using?

  • I am on OS x and use Safari for Reader. Firefox coughs on reader.
    I have made a change where my picture can be seen when someone clicks on my post in reader.
    What I want is for people to click on my post in reader and get the full blog, I want to click on a title and get the blog in a new window.

  • Safari is version 6.1. I will shortly be moving to mavericks.

  • I figured out how to make my photographs show, but why I was not told this would happen or how to fix it before it happened are good questions.
    I note others are in my position and their posts are not showing properly.

  • I’m all of a sudden having this problem too. If it’s a change, it’s awful! I cannot use the reader and easily open anyone’s blog anymore to look at their entire blog. It just brings up a snippet (or in some cases all) of their post and that’s it. Is this a permanent change because it is way too time consuming to use now.

  • It’s terrible, I agree. I am hoping this is resolved soon!!! When you follow many wonderful bloggers, the last thing you have time for is to click again and again just to see the post properly. I am also not impressed with the new look in the reader. The titles are so “in your face” and there is nothing telling you that there are more words to read.

  • Oh man I just noticed this, the gayest thing WP has ever done. I have seen many changes with the reader, but this is by far the stupidest.

    The idea of clicking on the blog is TO GO TO THEIR BLOG so they can get the stats that people have visited them. You add another click and the person with the blog is the person who misses out. You are robbing them of their stats and for someone to actually look at their blog.

    bad, bad, bad.

  • I’m glad I’m not the only one having issues. If I click on a blog that is not at the very top, nothing happens. This is very frustrating. How do I read all the wonderful people I’m following. Also, as many others have stated, the new look is terrible. Lost all the information I found useful. Please, if any wordpress IT people are reading, go back to the older version.

  • I don’t even want to use the Reader now because it’s stupid and time-consuming. Unfortunately, people will not have their blogs looked at as much as they used to if anyone uses the Reader. No matter what I click on, I can’t figure out how to get to the actual blog itself easily. You used to be able to click on the title of the post within the Reader and it would take you directly to the post within the blog itself and it opened in a new window. I don’t understand what the thinking process behind all this was, but maybe there is a glitch in the system somewhere and staff doesn’t know about it yet because surely no one thought this was a great idea to do on purpose.

  • Hmmmm, are the latest changes to Reader, and so many in such a short time, WP’s attempt to get into the speed dating “click a like” and move on an attempt to catch up, keep up or arrest Tumblr’s rising popularity?

    Whatever, the latest reading the Reader feels so clumsy and so tiresome. There’s only so much energy to go around. Please know, I didn’t want to come here and moan and complain but like I said, it’s getting tiring . . .

  • You are robbing them of their stats and for someone to actually look at their blog.

    This change I am not happy with. Why doesn’t WordPress want people to visit our blogs?!

  • I have this issue too. And if I right click to open a blog post in a new window it takes me to the little pop-up in a new window, and when I click to view the original blog then it takes me to another window, so I have two windows open. Change is one thing but to reduce a feature, turn what sed to be one click into two is very anoying.

    Actually, it’s more than two clicks, because if I click on the post in my reader I have to click to open the original post and then because the pop-up is over my reader I have to cancel that out now too.

    I can still GET the origional blog post open in a new window, it now just takes twice as long and is anoying.

  • Hello WP!!!!!!!! Are you reading these comments? Your users are not happy with your latest unannounced (and useless) change. Why don’t you leave things the way they functioned previously? You created seamless functionality and now you’ve interjected changes for the worse. You know what happens every time MS makes wholesale changes to (especially OS) functionality. Market share declines, oh, KDMs.

  • These changes are inefficient. The intermediate step is wasteful and creates many extra steps. This reminds me of Microsoft or Yahoo — so-called improvements that are not, and simply take many extra steps to do the same thing. That’s going backwards, not forward.

  • I agree. These changes just added a useful step in the middle that makes it take twice as long to get to a blog I want to read. And then to have to close back out of the popup window when I go back to the reader page. Please change it back WordPress!

  • That last post should have read “useless step”. Thanks!

  • Has anyone else noticed the WP Staff are responding to other threads but not this one? Does anyone know if WP Staff has even seen this thread? Or is there another thread going on that we don’t know about? I haven’t seen a response from them yet and am curious why we still have not heard from them.

  • Ya know, I really hate saying this and I really wish it wasn’t so, but they don’t care, the staff at WP. I’ve been on WP for over 3 years, I have seen the reader change many times in that time, and they really don’t care what we think. I think it good to say something, but in the end if they don’t think it is worth changing, then they won’t.

    So what I am saying is, don’t be surprised if they don’t listen.

  • The WordPresss Reader is made unuseable by inserting a new layer which prevents from directly reading articles in the blog they belong.

    This apperars in Opera, Chome, Qupzilla both with Windows an Linux.

    Please put it back to how it was or give a possibility to open articles directly.

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