Please Reinstate the Option of Choice to Use the Old Publishing Format

  • Aha … we’ve reached 2541 cyber signatures. I Mua.

  • @ nikkitytom,

    Without formally being given a choice, there is no guarantee that we don’t wake up one day to find the old editor disabled… I for one do not want to waste valuable time working with a program which may disappear at a whim…For most of us here, we want a more stable guarantee.

    I don’t recall seeing anything about guarantees in the petition. Well, anyway…So let’s say, today, WP restores the link from the new editor to the classic. The choice that hundreds have been calling for is finally restored. Then…one week, or one month later, WP announces that the classic editor will be discontinued . . . immediately, or in a few days perhaps. Could happen. How does restoring the link today prevent the classic editor from being discontinued or replaced tomorrow?

  • @ humanityawakening

    Any product that allows total integration of personal communications and data via multiple devices is the death knell of your freedom and right to privacy. The concept mirrors intelligence fusion centers.

    So walk us through how the new editor accomplishes what you describe, for the less tech-savvy among us. The discussion here is about an editor, or a comparison of two editors, found in a blogging platform which may be used by anyone with a valid email address.

  • @musicdoc1

    How does restoring the link today prevent the classic editor from being discontinued or replaced tomorrow?

    Well CERN ‘s Large Hadron Collider … is due to start up in the next two weeks. There are all sorts of speculations about whether those protons colliding at unheard of speeds may create a huge black hole into which we will all be sucked. Instantaneously.

    Or I may trip on that loose sandal strap I’ve neglected to fix and tumble down the stairs and succumb to a broken neck. On the other hand the lottery ticket I bought a couple of days ago may just give me a win.

    And who knows when and if WP will discontinue … or not … the classic editor. Of course we don’t know.

    But as a matter of faith and some courtesy to so many of us who would like CHOICE, allowing that choice would be a gracious …. and politic way of solving this problem. Sometimes it’s a good thing to keep peace in the house. Of course no peace treaty has ever lasted forever. But they’re made anyway in the hopes of amity and respect.

    We want the choice. And would at this point like to be given a reason why this reasonable request is not being entertained,

  • I.e. a presumably valid email address. No name, birth date, telephone number, address, credit card, etc. required. Securing the devices used to access the account or accounts is the responsibility of the user.

  • @ nikkitytom,

    Hadron Collider…broken neck…lottery

    WordPress discontinuing the classic editor in the near future wouldn’t be science fiction, a tragic accident, or a low-probability (long shot) event.

  • Make that an “extremely low-probability event,” as is the case with a big lottery win.

  • why are some people so against folks who want a link back? If this thread bothers some of you so much, there is a simple solution. Don’t visit it again. People aren’t going to see the sarcastic and mean spirited posts and think, wow that person is right.

  • why are some people so against folks who want a link back? If this thread bothers some of you so much, there is a simple solution. Don’t visit it again. People aren’t going to see the sarcastic and mean spirited posts and think, wow that person is right.

    I’m with you, @cbiancardi. I do not understand these people and their intentions.
    Fortunately, they are the absolute minority in this thread.

  • @cbiancardi


    I agree whole heartedly. The title of this forum is crystal clear. “Reinstate the Option of Choice ….”

    Personally I wouldn’t bother with a topic which I wasn’t involved or interested in. But I sometimes feel there’s an element of “baiting” going on. Perhaps an effort to provoke harsh retaliatory comments and thus close this thread. I think caution is the best route to take. I

    And a strict resolution not to be led into replies to diversive posts or to discussions outside the main one. Which is that we are here asking WordPress to give us CHOICE.

    Choice is the title of this forum and we’re committed to making our opinions and our presence known in support of that choice.

  • @musicdoc1

    “On page 30 you say, Of course it is very possible that WordPress have ulterior motives and/or there is something they are not telling us, which we may find out later, or not. Near the top of page 31, while considering such “motives,” you say, There are many devious ways to manipulate situations for desired outcomes that would not even occur to most people. Studying methods of mind control is very enlightening on that front.

    After timethief demurs on the mind control suggestion, in your next post you say, If you read my post more carefully you will see that it is clear that I did not suggest there was any mind control going on.
    Perhaps we’re just imagining it.”

    Actually please read this again and you will see that I did not suggest there was mind control going on. The reference to mind control was clearly an analogy referring to the way there can be things going on behind the scenes that we would not have thought of – as with mind control.


    “The neoliberal consciousness behind corporate decision-making in western nations excludes and marginalizes substantial segments of the world’s population. So-called upgrades in social media are inevitably designed to interface with the NSA intelligence surveillance apparatus and marketed to the general public through slick propaganda as a new and improved product. Those who follow the Snowden disclosures know this. Any product that allows total integration of personal communications and data via multiple devices is the death knell of your freedom and right to privacy. The concept mirrors intelligence fusion centers. Never agree to exchange security and privacy for convenience.”

    It looks like you did indeed hit the nail on the head with this. An article was published about a week ago,“7 Big Changes Coming To Facebook”.

  • no one is bulling anyone. jeez. The code of conduct would be fine if certain members wouldn’t mock others and be mean spirited. THAT is what is against the rules here – not others pointing it out.

  • @timethief I will not argue with you anymore. But I find it curious that you know the hint if nobody named you on recent posts.
    Please, try to distinguish when someone mentions you and when someone doesn’t.

    It’s all for me, cheers.

  • I am of the mindset that @galois is correct. There is some baiting going on here. There is no other word for it.

  • So… is the poll going today?

  • Ok, let’s stop arguing! Where are we are getting the button back?

  • Is WP doing anything for us?

    I am now working around the new editor to get to the old editor that is much better.

    Dear WP: give us back the old editor, or at least the possibility in the options to choose the old editor!!!!

  • Um, folks . . . I just popped back in to see whether WP had listed the things it said it would — what’s not changing and what’s on the bug fix list. I had to wade through a lot of difficult and not very relevant back and forth to see whether there had been a WP response. I can’t tell.

    If someone from WP can say . . . what is the status of that list of “to be fixed” and definitely not going to change? Thanks.

  • For anyone new to this thread, here is how to find the classic editor to make a new post:
    Go to My Sites at the top left of the page, click on “WP Admin”. Scroll down on the sidebar on the left hand side of the dashboard, find Posts, hover over that and choose “Add New”.

    How to use the classic editor to edit older posts:
    Go to My Sites, click on WP-Admin, find Posts, click on “All Posts”. If it’s a very old post, you will have to do a search.

    I suggest making bookmarks for your browser for these links that you use frequently.

    tpenguinltg made a post with a list of work-arounds so you can use the classic editor both for making a new post and editing older posts.

    imperialtwilight made a poll where you can vote for your preference:

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