Please FIRE the team that developed "Block Editor"

  • This “block editor” thing sucks. The blog editor was great as it was. It allowed people to create blogs with style. This Block Editor has been around for over a year and it is still nearly unworkable. My top issues are:

    1. It is NOT intuitive. Controls for font and style as well as nearly every other action are cumbersome.

    2. The blocks apply font size to the entire block. Before, a person could apply a different size font to individual characters within a paragraph but now if you highlight an individual word and change the font size THE WHOLE PARAGRAPH CHANGES IN SIZE. Fail!

    3. The page jumps to the top of the block when you attempt to change something. If you highlight a word and begin editing, the page suddenly jumps to the top of the block, causing you to lose your track. This is extremely counterproductive when you’re someone trying to iron out a way to express a thought. You’re like, “What if I say it like…..Wait! What was I working on and where is it.” Suddenly you’re looking at a different subject and trying to find the topic you were thinking so hard on you lose track of your thought; sometimes permanently.

    4. It doesn’t appear that you can insert images and have words wrap around them. At least this is what drove me to do this post. It gave me options to have columns or groups. each one put a gap in my paragraph despite my image being a small square.

    WORDPRESS; PLEASE SCRAP THE BLOCK EDITOR AND RESTORE THE OLD ONE. At minimum you should at least make the old one available to us as an option. The Block Editor isn’t ready for prime time. It’s not even ready for the late night slot. Can anyone suggest another blog editor to use until WordPress fixes this catastrophic mistake? I NEED HELP

    Thanks for reading.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @topimpanation105071052, WordPress is an open-source project with thousands of contributors including many volunteers and workers from different companies. Our site and yours are among millions that use the free software. Our forums staff cannot fire them, and will not scrap their work. Even can’t; as I mentioned we also use the free software.

    But we can certainly help you past a few hurdles.

    First, be aware of the classic block. Every feature that existed in the classic editor is still there. To access it, after typing your title and pressing enter, just start your post with this:

    You can make an entire post in the classic block, and even use that exclusively if you’d like.

    If you decide to try other blocks, here’s how to wrap text around images:

    The page jump thing does sound annoying! I haven’t run into that. If you’d like us to look into it, please send more details.

  • Thanks for your reply. I tried following the process in your link and it still does the same thing. Here is a video of my attempt.

  • Oops. Forgot to include your name @supernovia. Thanks for your reply. I tried following the process in your link and it still does the same thing. Here is a video of my attempt.

  • No worries! Once staff has replied, usually one of us will get back to you whether you mention our name or not.

    I just realized, though, I can’t see the admin end of your site because it isn’t using our managed hosting services. Depending on what plugins and theme you’re using, your copy of WordPress is probably different from what we’re running here:

    If you’ve made sure the image is posted above a paragraph block, it’s best to post in the forums for the free WordPress software at instead.

    You might also use this plugin to see if the problem is coming from a theme or plugin conflict:

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    I hope this helps!

  • Here we go again @supernovia. I can’t insert a featured image. I’m using classic mode and I go to the featured image section, pick a photo, press “set featured image” and the page just disappears without adding my image. I’ve tried uploading a jpg instead of png and still the same thing. Help.

  • Hi there,

    So this is when you’re using the Classic Editor?

    The Classic Editor is no longer part of the WordPress software, so if you’re using that, it means you’re also using the Classic Editor plugin.

    If you’re running into issues with that plugin, please post in their support forum over on; we don’t make that plugin and have no control over how it works.

    If you’re using the official Classic Editor plugin, you can find the forums for that plugin here:

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