Pique theme – Slug not working

  • The information I select in the “slug” section when creating a page, is not what actually shows in the URL when I visit the page.

    The site is davidnilsenbeer.com/

    One example is when you click the “About” section; in the slug, I have “about” but the URL is /#post-2

    It’s this way with multiple pages on the site, even though I’ve confirmed the slug, and that the “edit page” is reading the slug correctly – when it’s typed in in the slug section, it auto-populates in the section by the title… when I then click “update” and visit the site (in different browsers, on different days, etc), the slugs are still wrong.

    What am I missing?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there

    It’s this way with multiple pages on the site, even though I’ve confirmed the slug, and that the “edit page” is reading the slug correctly – when it’s typed in in the slug section, it auto-populates in the section by the title

    I hate when technology doesn’t work like its supposed to!

    Looking at your blog, i noticed that it is really a single page. Each section is a panel on the one page, and not a new page. So the rules of slugs do not apply because what you are using is a page jump, which follows a different set of rules!

    hope that helps!

  • Hi there,

    @dave2swords is almost correct. You use a single-page scrolling theme, so on your site’s front page the menu generates page-jump links to the different sections. So the menu link for your About page is https://davidnilsenbeer.com/#post-2, which jumps to that section of the front page.

    However, if you view the About page only in its own screen you’ll see the slug correctly shown as about:

    About David

  • Ahhh…

    I knew it made me create separate pages for each of the “page jumps”… and had been directing me to different pages for each until I formatted it to only jump to a different part of a scrolling page… I didn’t realize though, that that would remove my preferred slug, and get the weird thing.

    So the first section is “#post-2” and the second is “#post- 84″… Is there any way to change these so that I can have some control over it? I really like the design, with jumping to different parts of the front page, rather than to separate pages for each of them. But I’d also love to have something a little bit more professional than random numbers…

    Will anything adjust it?

  • You can create page jumps manually as well.

    Edit each page and in the HTML view, add a unique ID at the top of each page. So at the very top of the About page, for example, add this in the HTML editor:

    <div id='about'></div>

    Repeat with each page, giving it a unique ID.

    Next you’ll need to edit the menu and create your own custom menu (first disable the automatic menu in the theme options section of the Customizer). Instead of adding pages to the menu, you’ll add custom links, and for the URL in each case then just add #unique_id, so for the About link you’ll add the URL as #about. Repeat for each page.

    You can find more info on page jumps here:

    Page Jumps

    And steps for creating a custom menu here:

    Custom Menus

  • @davidnilsenbeer,

    @kokkieh said, “(first disable the automatic menu in the theme options section of the Customizer).”

    This is done, at at Customize > Theme Options > Menu Settings, by unchecking the box labeled “Add an anchor menu to the front page.” When this box is checked, the anchor menu only displays on the front page. There is presently no menu displayed on your other pages, such as “About” and “Testimonials.”

  • Thanks.

    Does this still work if I want the front page to display exactly as is (jumping to the section of the “front page” rather than the page itself), and consequently don’t want to have a menu on my other pages (because I don’t want people to visit separate pages – just these)?

    Absolutely the only thing I want to change about the site is what’s in the URL when someone clicks or goes down to the “about” section/page, “quote” section/page, etc.

  • It will work exactly the same.

    If you don’t want the other pages in the menu, you simply don’t add them. With a custom menu you control what’s in the menu, so if you only add your own page-jump links, that’s all that will be in the menu.

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