Pique theme – mobile view

  • Hello

    Is there a way to amend the view in mobile view? I want to be able to have the tag line showing on mobile view as well as it does in normal web view? A tagline is important why does mobile view miss it out?? any way i can amend this?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I can confirm that the theme’s author made the design choice to hide the tagline on mobile devices, likely to make the maximum use of the smaller available space.

    It would only be possible to override this design choice with custom CSS, which requires WordPress.com Premium or Business.

    If it’s important for your tagline to always be visible, and you don’t wish to upgrade, then perhaps you could consider a different theme? You can find our selection of free one-page themes at the following link:


    Let me know if the above information helps or if you have further questions.

  • thanks I appreciate your response.. is there a good reason to hide it on mobile view? How can i contact them to ask to unhide? Tagline is of course an important part to describe what the site/person does.. I am astounded they feel it is a good idea to hide it on mobile considering most people use mobile first these days. Please can you advise how i can contact the theme author? We are already happy with the theme so changing at this late stage is not an option either, so really all I need is to be able to view the tagline on mobile.. it is very important to anyone I am sure..

  • Hi @discopanda100,

    I’ve passed your feedback onto the theme’s author directly.

    I can’t speak on their behalf but my guess is that the tagline is hidden on mobile in order to make the best possible use of the available space. Theme authors often hide any parts of the theme that they don’t view as essential from mobile devices so that there’s more room for other parts, like the site title or logo.

    It’s unlikely that the author will implement a change that displays the tagline on mobile devices as this would impact any WordPress.com site owner using Pique. Your feedback has been logged, though, and we’ll also track any requests that are similar to yours.

    Another possible workaround is for you to create a logo and incorporate the title and tagline into the logo. This would then be viewable across all devices.

  • Hi

    thanks for logging..its not an option to create as logo as this is not the look we want. It’s frustrating because tagline usually describes what the business does..which is important when viewing for the first time…as the title is just his name its not gonna be v obvious what he does.. oh well. thanks anyway

  • Although it’s unlikely Pique will be changed in the future, feedback such as yours is always appreciated and will help to inform future design decisions @discopanda100.

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