Photos not showing up

  • Yep—the photo was too large. I did it with the same photo around 350kb, and it worked like a charm. Good photo, too.

    Sorry for the false alarm. My bad.


  • Yeah, I noticed anything over 400 pixels wide will screw up the page. Use thumbnails. Those are best for people with dial-up internet.

  • Hello, I was thinking about switching from Blogspot to WordPress, but I have problems here that make me feel I am either VERY stupid OR there is some kind of an error here :)

    How can I make a photo appear in my posting (not as a link)?
    I have tried everything and read the postings here and on FAQ. They just keep appearing in DOUBLE postings, although I push “publish” once. And it does not show on the “dashboard” that I would have two of the postings. But on the website it is still double! I can`t figure it out!

    Could someone post a step-by-step guide to someone as stupid as mee as to what to do in order to have normal photo posts here? :)


  • @bohneemlane
    (1) here are the instructions which are illustrated
    (2) we do not have a resizer so you must size your photos in microsoft paint or in photoshop, etc. before uploading them. Here are the size limitations for the themes
    (3) the double postings sound like a bug please send in a feedback to staff and report this (feedback button is on the top right hand corner of any page)

  • Providing an example of these double posts with links would also be helpful. :)

  • just clicking on my name beside the posting would do the trick :) BUT some angel has solved the problem (I think) as the rest of my postings decided to appear double as well…….I do hope it is solved by now, as I would not want to abandon this blogging facility :D

  • daveandkarina – I see no posts from you in this thread. Please give all the details of the problem.

  • I’m having similar issues with photos – I upload them to the editor, everything looks fine, links intact, then when I view the page and hover on a thumbnail I get the “404 File Not Found” error message. If I click the thumbnail, the full image appears. Not too terribly annoying, but randomly irritating.

  • Send a feedback to staff; they are trying to track down the image 404 error and the more info they have the better.

  • Hi, My problem is a bit different but closely related:

    I prepared 5 jpgs of no more than 150kb at 400 px wide for my new post.

    I present them full size / no link in the post.

    2 of the images show fine

    3 of the images dont show. Not in the post, nor in the “browse” section

    I then changed the dpi of the pictures to 72 (it was in 300 before) uploaded one of them, forgot to change from Thumbnail to Full Size. I check the page, it shows as a thumbnail.

    I proceed to edit the image to change from thumbnail to full size. The images shows in the “browse” section.

    I make the changes. I check the page. The image don’t show.

    I have tried changing and uploading images several times… those 3 images will not show.

    Any body any idea, this is my second post and is becoming very anoying to loose so much time in such a minor thing. Please help.



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