Photos not showing up

  • @swein
    Please go back and read what drmike told you.It works for me.

  • I’m also having the thumbnail problem with my pictures. On the below linked page I have 5 pictures all with thumbnails. They all looked fine when I first posted the page but now when I’ve gone back to look at the page again the thumbnails are gone. If I go and edit the page and click the pictures in the picutre browser and bring up the menu the top option in No Thumbnail in strike thru font. If I delete the pictures and reupload them the post will fix itself since the thumbnails will now be there again with all the full size picutres but a couple minutes later the tumbnails go poof again.

    Getting Ace Addons

  • timethief –

    My original post specifically addressed drmike’s advice when I wrote, “This is not a URL problem, the url is still correctly ‘foo.thumbnail.jpg’ WP.COM has simply suddenly decided that the thumbnail that was there a MOMENT ago is now missing.”

    To restate it, I will upload an image and it will have a thumbnail generated properly. After editing the post a bit, and hitting “save and continue editing”, some images will suddenly lose the thumbnail. It seems completely random. Only by deleting and re-uploading the images is the problem fixed.

    This is the same exact problem that bsleys is having.

  • Don’t know if anyone changed anything behind the sences but my link above is now showing the thumbnails. So like swein thumbnails seem to come and go on thier own.

  • WordPress has gremlins, gremlins I tell ya!

  • OMG this reminds me of kill the widgets (gremlins)!

  • I have to agree with a bunch of posts above. Authoring the posts and adding pictures even with small thumbnails appears to be working fine. What isn’t fine is that occasionally (randomly) the thumbnails will appear as if the image can’t be found. Clicking on the thumbnail takes you to the Page Not Found. If you wait a while and revisit the post everything is fine again, or if you’re really sick you can repost everything and all will be well again.

    This is very strange. I’m not sure if it’s to do with the WordPress servers not properly serving up images or something. Are the pictures stored on a different server that is separate from the text? My pictures and thumbnails are not that big, all less than 100k and I see this problem a fair bit. My bet is that others do as well.

  • What isn’t fine is that occasionally (randomly) the thumbnails will appear as if the image can’t be found.

    Can’t help you without an example of this.

  • I can send you a picture of the example if you tell me how. Go check out as it’s happening right now (maybe not when you go there). It worked fine over an hour ago but now not all the pictures show up.

  • interesting…this appears to be localized. my friend at work sees it fine. my wife on her laptop can see it fine. it’s my laptop that cannot at times…very weird.

    strange too is when i click on the empty picture it still takes me to the 404 page.

    ok, i launched firefox and it seemed to display things fine. next i shut down my IE and reopened another and now it seems fine too. i wonder if occasionally if IE fails to render pictures for whatever reason wrt looking at a wordpress blog. memory leak maybe?

  • I see the photos fine using IE 6.0.2900 on a pair of OC-192’s.

    I note that you are currently coming in via Comcast. They have a history of using broken proxy servers that we’ve covered previously here in the forums. All I can suggest since Comcast won’t fix their issue (Been ongoing for years) is clearing out your own local browser cache and trying to do a forced reload of the page.

    Good luck,

  • [Deleted rudeness -drmike]

    mindrec, if you choose to post again, I do hope you will take the time to point to an example since you gave us nothing to go on. Folks have answered and assisted in this thread if you would be bothered to read it. Also if you do post again, please do so in a polite manner without shouting or I will be more than happy to delete your post again.

  • This problem is still vexing me. To recap:

    1) I’m editing a post
    2) I upload images
    3) I select the images as “Linked to image” and drag them into the post.
    4) I hit “Save and Continue Editing”. Everything is fine.

    Now then: I’ll be editing the post, hitting “Save and Continue Editing” occasionally, and randonly when the page refreshes, ALL the thumbs are broken. The pop-up says “no thumbnail” with a line through it, and the linked pref will be reverted to “No Link”

    What the heck is going on here? It’s making me crazy. The only fix I have found is to re-upload the images and hope for the best, but something is VERY flaky with the thumbnailing system at

  • Sometimes images disappear and reappear on my blog.

    I use flickr to hotlink to images these days and it seems to work fine. :)

  • I’ve been thinking of doing that, but I just hate the idea of users being taken away from the site to see image details :(

  • this has recently been happening to me, and it’s driving me nuts….. my thumbnails go away. When i click on the question mark that shows up in place of the thumbnail, i link to the actual picture, but i wish the darn thumbnail would just stay in the blog….

    I’m getting pretty annoyed because it seems almost every photo I have to go back in and upload and re link… anyone have any suggestions on how i get around this problem? I give up for now because i just spent 2 hours on this and every pic i uploaded except two has a broken thumbnail.

  • I’m doing exactly what the FAQ suggested. To the letter. I worked at this for two hours last night and then again this morning… The thumbnails are still disappearing. I really am at a loss as to how I resolve this? Other than this proble, I think wordpress is great…. But I’d really just love for the directions to work and the thumbnails to not randomly disappear.

  • @ feck
    This is definately a backend help needed situation. IMO it sounds like a crazymaking bug. I recommend that you send in a feedback ASAP or email

  • Just to note: I’ve been adding photos today, using the usual technique, no problem at all. Now, all of a sudden, I’m getting the “no thumbnail” with the strikethrough and the information that there’s no thumbnail for this picture. I’m following the standard process, and there’s nothing unusual about the picture, but it’s like the capability is suddenly broken. I’ll take your advice timetheir and use feedback to let them know.

    There’s no picture in the post because I can’t get the picture to load with a thumbnail. Here’s the post, FWIW:

  • Hmmm. I just noticed that the photo I’ve been trying to upload is very large: 766kb. I’m going to trim it back below 500kb and try again. The problem may be me…

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