Photos in nightmare block editor

  • I’ve genuinely tried to use the horrendous new block editor, but it’s impossible. On classic editor, I just add a picture and it goes next to the bit of text where my cursor is. The block editor (using classic block) wouldn’t let me add a picture at all: it kept saying that they were all too small and needed to be at least 1200 x 600. All the pics I use as my “signature” pics are smaller than that. If they are any bigger, they won’t display if I share a link to the page on my social media sites.

    I don’t understand why I can’t use my existing pics.

    I am quite happy with classic editor. So were many other people.

    I’m going back to classic editor, but am worried about what to do if it disappears.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    It is still possible to use to the classic editor when writing/editing posts/pages in your site’s Dashboard, but to do so you will need to access the “wp-admin” dashboard on your site:

    We also recommend the classic block, which is a block you can add to “insert” the classic editor inside of the newer block editor, and has the familiar formatting tools you are used to:

    We also have tips for making the move from the classic editor to blocks, which is where we will be releasing new features as they are added

    Hope this helps!

  • Thanks for your reply. I’m using the classic editor, but have seen in other posts that it’s likely to disappear next year. I’ve tried the classic block but, as I’ve said, find it impossible to use – I don’t understand why it won’t let me use my existing photos. Is there a way round this? Thank you.

  • Hi there,

    Using the Block editor you can add an image next to some text using the Media & Text block. If you want further customazation on your image placement you can use the Columns block.

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